next song from my bands full length (melodic HC with real drums and real amps....)

gabriel ! really cool!

what i dont like is the slighty out of tunenyness of the guitars. (especially when chords are hit harder)
you can hear the strings are not thick enough OR your just hitting too hard , hehe.
but thats a production choice (i personally would do that), and maybe thats cool for the genre ! (sorry, im not really familiar with this style, forgive me,hehe)

about the engls : they are a little "hollow and empty" sounding, especially on my opals...

have you tried other amps for your album?
(maybe the peavey 5150 would be great for that?)
((p.s. : ask greg for reamping, hehe, would love to hear his tone on this!)

anyways - really cool dude!
DCB you are right. We got Gibson les paul from 1970 in the studio but under the permission to NOT change anything on the guitar. The guitar was tuned in d-droped and we are playing c-droped.

When we were planning the recording process we thought we would get a peavey 6505 and a sinlge rec. but we had bad luck.

After that we decided: Fuck DI´s this record should sound how we sound live, so we used our own gear...:)

There is only one thing that I´m not happy with: the gangshouts : "we fight together......we rise" they sound like some church-chor, I´m going to change that part a little bit.

And yeah I´m always doing gangshouts the way I wrote in the "how do epic gang-shouts" thread