Melodic Rock Fest 2: Y&T, Winger, W.E.T. and more

From :
It is with great regret that I must announce that W.E.T. have today cancelled their appearance at MelodicRock Fest 2 in Chicago, on Saturday May 2.

It is a source of great frustration for me personally to announce this, but also for the rest of the guys, as I know they were looking forward to coming together to perform for the first time - which was to be their only live date in 2010.
The reason behind the cancellation is that vocalist Jeff Scott Soto is held on retainer for Trans-Siberian Orchestra to perform in their nationwide Spring tour of North America and the dates clash. Jeff was originally not scheduled to be part of the group's upcoming Spring dates, but a change of plans now requires to join the group for a prominent role in the tour - rehearsals for which started this week in New York.
This clash has also meant that Jeff has had to cancel appearances in Europe and America, including the May 1 appearance with Spike Edney in North Carolina.

This cancellation also means that Eclipse – whose members are a major component of W.E.T. - will no longer be performing. It became apparent that it was not going to be economically viable to fly the guys in for just one short set on the Saturday.
Jeff, Erik and Robert regret this announcement, it is unavoidable and they wish to apologise to any fans looking forward to their appearance. I am going to personally work with the guys to find an alternative opportunity in the near future for their live debut.
A main feature of the Sunday line-up, the loss of W.E.T. leaves a significant gap to fill, but I believe I have the answer and will make an announcement on that in the next 24-48 hours. The Eclipse slot will be filled by reallocating time slots for the other Saturday artists.

Refunds for any ticket holders coming specifically for the W.E.T. performance are available. One again, my personal apologies for this issue arising and causing disruption to the MelodicRockFest event. Everyone else is locked in and ready to go for a fantastic weekend of hard rocking fun.
Show Information:"
from :

It is with great regret that I must announce that W.E.T. have today cancelled their appearance at MelodicRock Fest 2 in Chicago, on Saturday May 2.

It is a source of great frustration for me personally to announce this, but also for the rest of the guys, as I know they were looking forward to coming together to perform for the first time - which was to be their only live date in 2010.
The reason behind the cancellation is that vocalist Jeff Scott Soto is held on retainer for Trans-Siberian Orchestra to perform in their nationwide Spring tour of North America and the dates clash. Jeff was originally not scheduled to be part of the group's upcoming Spring dates, but a change of plans now requires to join the group for a prominent role in the tour - rehearsals for which started this week in New York.
This clash has also meant that Jeff has had to cancel appearances in Europe and America, including the May 1 appearance with Spike Edney in North Carolina.

This cancellation also means that Eclipse – whose members are a major component of W.E.T. - will no longer be performing. It became apparent that it was not going to be economically viable to fly the guys in for just one short set on the Saturday.
Jeff, Erik and Robert regret this announcement, it is unavoidable and they wish to apologise to any fans looking forward to their appearance. I am going to personally work with the guys to find an alternative opportunity in the near future for their live debut.
A main feature of the Sunday line-up, the loss of W.E.T. leaves a significant gap to fill, but I believe I have the answer and will make an announcement on that in the next 24-48 hours. The Eclipse slot will be filled by reallocating time slots for the other Saturday artists.

Refunds for any ticket holders coming specifically for the W.E.T. performance are available. One again, my personal apologies for this issue arising and causing disruption to the MelodicRockFest event. Everyone else is locked in and ready to go for a fantastic weekend of hard rocking fun.
Show Information:
This sucks more than I can say. 2 friends and I already have our tickets for the show. WET and Eclise were 2 of the 5 bands that made this a must-see show--including Danger Danger, Ted Poley and Winger. Not to say that the other bands aren't great--I really like what i have heard from the other bands and i was very much looking forward to seeing them (and still am), but WET and Eclipse are bands I love and were the the bands I felt I might never get to see otherwise. I completely understand it is not fault of the promoter in any way; not really even the bands' fault, etc. It is just a sucky situation that totally bums me out.
I'm looking forward to seeing DD and Y&T...really like the new DD CD for what it is... Just wish this was happening at a different venue...for a concert this long with no seating for the audiance... well that's a lot to ask for some people... Bummed about W.E.T and Eclipse...really wanted to see those two..
I'm looking forward to seeing DD and Y&T...really like the new DD CD for what it is... Just wish this was happening at a different venue...for a concert this long with no seating for the audiance... well that's a lot to ask for some people... Bummed about W.E.T and Eclipse...really wanted to see those two..

Azrael, it's good to see you! You need to come around more often! :kickass:

I would go to this in a millisecond if I had the time off work, and the funds!! Right up my alley.
Pride of Lions is playing the show as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It doesn't get any better,just the the opposite from someone up on this I can't wait to see Danger Danger because of Rob Marcello! He is without a doubt one of the smoothest,and most amazing guitar players. I have to say I will be really broke,but happy this year. I already have my Fri.Sat. PPUSA tickets (Thur.Wed. are not doing it for me,the Thursday headliner will have to be really really good) because I just bought my two day melodic Rockfest tickets last week!!! And it will be hard to take off too many days from work,but you got to do what u feel in your heart right.
Christ - though on the selling of promo thing, yeah he is doing that. My friend, Jon that comes with me and his wife debbie every year, mistakeningly bought the Cronian - Terra disc from him at PP IX maybe anyway I was looking at it and I noticed the UPC scanner had a whole punched in it. Now most people wouldnt think twice about that, however at the time I was writing reviews and getting promos regularly and geuss what? Every last one of the promos I got had a whole punched in the UPC so you couldnt resell it. Was he selling the promo in his bargain discount bin for 5 bucks yeah, but he got it for free and the band makes no percentage from it.

I am pretty sure I posted this when it happened a few years back. Number one reason why I do my shopping at Nightmare, Senteniel Steel, or Exploding Neds
So....did anybody go to this fest? I had relocated from Chicago to KC, so I couldn't make it.

Here's a followup from Andrew (the promoter), recently posted on :
"In terms of artist performances, fan enjoyment, venue suitability, sound and execution – MRF2 was an outstanding success. It was a joy to be there and watch everyone having a blast.
I would like to personally thank all those that voted with their feet for a US based Melodic Rock music festival, who came along to witness some truly unbelievable performances and saw the very best the artists had to offer.
I'd like to thank everyone who I spoke to over the weekend and who offered many a kind word about the festival itself, plus this website and what I do here. The encouragement and positive feedback was sensational.
I need to thank the several volunteers who helped man the MR merch stand over the weekend – couldn't have done it without you.
I would also like to thank management and staff of The Roadhouse and the sound and stage crew, all who were a joy to work with and who opened up their venue for 3 very long days of rock n roll.
And last but not least, the artists that put up their hand to participate and answered the call to make up one of the best melodic rock line-ups ever to appear in one place at the same time.

In terms of financial success, which I obviously was counting on to help guarantee the continued existence of, the results were not as pleasing.
The fact is that not even this amazing line-up and extensive advertising online and locally could convince enough people to get off their couches for a day or two.
I was hoping for 1000 per day, but we only got around 500 per day through the doors.
Those 500 saw a killer show and had a weekend to remember, and were vocal enough for all the bands to think they were playing to 5000.
But at the end of the day, the numbers simply weren't enough to guarantee there will definitely be a MRF3. I hope their can be and I'll consider all options, but when you think you've done everything right and have not repeated the mistakes of the first MRF, to get less people in attendance was a disappointment.

The bottom line to all of this is yes, the show result does effect the day to day operation of as the financial state of the melodic rock scene has been in consistent free fall over the last 18 months.

I have a 12 month plan of action to guarantee this site continues an uninterrupted service for all, which will result in a few changes, new advertisers and a few new ways people can help support the site and new features and products to indulge in."
So....did anybody go to this fest? I had relocated from Chicago to KC, so I couldn't make it.

Here's a followup from Andrew (the promoter), recently posted on :
"In terms of artist performances, fan enjoyment, venue suitability, sound and execution – MRF2 was an outstanding success. It was a joy to be there and watch everyone having a blast.
I would like to personally thank all those that voted with their feet for a US based Melodic Rock music festival, who came along to witness some truly unbelievable performances and saw the very best the artists had to offer.
I'd like to thank everyone who I spoke to over the weekend and who offered many a kind word about the festival itself, plus this website and what I do here. The encouragement and positive feedback was sensational.
I need to thank the several volunteers who helped man the MR merch stand over the weekend – couldn't have done it without you.
I would also like to thank management and staff of The Roadhouse and the sound and stage crew, all who were a joy to work with and who opened up their venue for 3 very long days of rock n roll.
And last but not least, the artists that put up their hand to participate and answered the call to make up one of the best melodic rock line-ups ever to appear in one place at the same time.

In terms of financial success, which I obviously was counting on to help guarantee the continued existence of, the results were not as pleasing.
The fact is that not even this amazing line-up and extensive advertising online and locally could convince enough people to get off their couches for a day or two.
I was hoping for 1000 per day, but we only got around 500 per day through the doors.
Those 500 saw a killer show and had a weekend to remember, and were vocal enough for all the bands to think they were playing to 5000.
But at the end of the day, the numbers simply weren't enough to guarantee there will definitely be a MRF3. I hope their can be and I'll consider all options, but when you think you've done everything right and have not repeated the mistakes of the first MRF, to get less people in attendance was a disappointment.

The bottom line to all of this is yes, the show result does effect the day to day operation of as the financial state of the melodic rock scene has been in consistent free fall over the last 18 months.

I have a 12 month plan of action to guarantee this site continues an uninterrupted service for all, which will result in a few changes, new advertisers and a few new ways people can help support the site and new features and products to indulge in."

I emailed Andrew and told him that he should hold MR3 in Atlanta! :)
