Melodic Rock Instrumental (feat. Gerry Hubsmitt from "Silveranus")


Feb 18, 2008
i'm re-recording my EP atm and this is the last song out of 5.
when it's done i can finally concentrate on the vocals...hopefully...:lol:

i'm not sure if there are any real/big problems in the mix, it sound OK to me but yeah,
i'm basically deaf right now so a few fresh ears could help.



PS: Gerry is my left bum cheek
totally digging the clean tone, it's awesome!

Overall the mix lacks bass, and beefy low mids. there's also too much roomsound on the cymbals (I asume this is SD2, so I'd turn the bleed from OH down on the AMB tracks)
Is there even a bass guitar in the song allready? I feel like I can hear one, but I'm not sure ^^
Also the drums are really loud compared to the guitars.

Reaaaaaaaally nice song dude!
thanks a lot man! :)

there is a bass guitar actually, funnily i just lowered it before i exported the mix because i thought it was too loud :lol:
it was also hard to find a balance between bass/guitars and drums, i thought it was ok but listening to the mix after
you've mentioned it makes it so clear, the drums dominate the whole mix.

i think the roomy drums sound ok in the heavy parts but yeah in the clean aprts there's way too much room sound.
maybe i need to automate the reverb track, unfortunately i never really worked with automation, not sure if i can get it right.

again, thanks a lot for the feedback! :)