Melodic Thrash - Mix 1 (Help with bass!)


Orpheus: Melodic Death
Mar 9, 2008
Hey guys! This is the first rough mix with Guits/ Drums and Bass all settled in. After listening in my car, I realise the bass is way too loud but my monitors are fucking terrible for mixing bass... so it's going to be a lot of back and forth..

HOWEVER, some overall ideas and criticisms on this mix would be fantastic please!

NEWEST MIX: (7/9/2011) UP NOW! The Mend.mp3

The guitar volume cut out in a few parts is because i'm still a demo version of an eq! Guitars are Mesa Mark IV and Engl Invader quad tracked :)

Got your SMS.

I think the biggest thing about the low-end is that it needs to be 'expanded' down into the subs. It feels like it's concentrated somewhere in the mid-bass at the moment, and the song lacks punch because of it. There's probably too much overlap between the guitars and bass too, creating a bit of a cloud and sapping even more punch and clarity.

Try getting some good cans and mixing the low-end on them. It helps a lot.
Cheers Ermz... I keep thinking that, like there's a build up above 100hz but everytime I tried to mix below it, all of my monitoring options are far to subpar... it fucking kills me... You reckon investing in those ATH-50's is a good idea for this??

Also new mix :) Thanks dude!
Yeah, the M50s will save your life in these situations. I wouldn't even attempt to balance low-end in your room with monitors TBH. The room is just too small and square for you to ever have a chance with it. You need to be using cans quite prolifically IMO.
Yep... thought about as much! My room is 30cm off of being square.. I checked the other day! It's absolutely useless... it's dead in the center right where my head generally is so that's fucked... Headphones for low end it is! Thanks dude... Any other ideas on the mix as a whole?
For my taste : too much cymbals, and the floor tom is boomy (especially on Catatonic).
Yeah dude! Definitely noticed the floor Tom but forgot to fix it. The cymbals however I didn't think. I'll pull them down a bit :D
+1 to what Ermz said about focusing on lower freq for the bass

overheads sound a bit harsh to be, maybe pull out some of the nasty high mid area

sounds really cool overall tho!
Cheers Mago! I took the advice on cymbals overall. They do sound much better now! I fucked around with the lowend... but I think until I get good cans it's all downhill... Anyway! Here's a new mix! Updated in OP!