Memphis Dec 12


New Metal Member
Dec 11, 2003
:Spam: Hey...just found this message board...I am going to the anthrax show tomorrow Dec 12...I've seen a shitload of shows at New Daisy...but have never seen Anthrax...I saw SOD and met all of those wacky Bastards..I took a camera to that show..and got a whole role of awsome pictures of Scott Ian and Billy Milano's overly fed ass along with the rest of the band...I plan on getting a camera into this show..(along with a little of the green Menace)... I am so stoked to see Anthrax....I don't know if anyone is going with me..which sucks because I have a long drive..

How many people on this list went to the Memphis show?? I am just curious..

I heard Knoxville had NO MOSHING/STAGEDIVING....and enforced it..I hope New Daisy doesn't plan on that happening...I have never been to a new daisy show without a pit...I will kill someone if they stop us from moshing....Just kidding...

Up your's!
stormtrooperofdeath said:
:Spam: Hey...just found this message board...I am going to the anthrax show tomorrow Dec 12...I've seen a shitload of shows at New Daisy...but have never seen Anthrax...I saw SOD and met all of those wacky Bastards..I took a camera to that show..and got a whole role of awsome pictures of Scott Ian and Billy Milano's overly fed ass along with the rest of the band...I plan on getting a camera into this show..(along with a little of the green Menace)... I am so stoked to see Anthrax....I don't know if anyone is going with me..which sucks because I have a long drive..

How many people on this list went to the Memphis show?? I am just curious..

I heard Knoxville had NO MOSHING/STAGEDIVING....and enforced it..I hope New Daisy doesn't plan on that happening...I have never been to a new daisy show without a pit...I will kill someone if they stop us from moshing....Just kidding...

Up your's!

Knoxville also had a MAJOR security setup in action. I got everything but bent over when I was searched. I was amazed they didn't make me take my boots off.. Funny note, when the doors first opened security came out and shouted "If you have any drugs, guns, knives, cameras, or anything else you don't want us to keep, you better get rid of it." I commented to some friends that now would be a good time to see what's on the ground, and then looked down. What did I see? There must have been 20 vicodin and as many peach xanax all over the semi-damp sidewalk, and that was just where I was standing. I had a very small EMPTY clear pill bottle in my pocket because I had some tylenol for the headache I was getting rid of (HONESTLY, scout's honor), so I just took those and tried to keep the damned bottle. Security stuck his hands into my pants pocket (and every other pocket I had) and pulled it out, then had to inspect it to make sure "it had no marijuana in it." Mind you, it was an empty, clear contact-lens vial so I couldn't have had enough "invisible" weed in there to get a fly high, yet he still had to open it up and sniff it, then he kept it "just in case. Can't have any (invisible) drugs inside" and that's exactly what he said. Fuckers...
On the way back from the show, on the same 'drug' sidewalk my buddy found a corner of a baggy that was tightly sealed with a good 1/8 of white powder. I'm no fool, nor suicidal, but the stuff did make my gums go numb.

Moral of the story? If the security there is anything like it was in Knoxville, if you plan to sneak anything inside, you better know what you're doing... or as my friend who had weed in his boots said, "just keep so much shit in your pockets that they just want to get rid of you & keep the line semi-moving."

I was at the Memphis show. It was fucking awesome! Best show I saw this year. I love the Daisy, because they never search you and you can mosh all you want without security putting a stop to it.
I was at the Memphis show. Thats the second time I've seen them there. The Daisy is by far the best place to see a band. I've seen Megadeth, DRI, Testament, Sick of It All, Hatebreed, Slayer amont others there. The Memphis crowd gets pretty crazy, but many shitheads are in the pit just to hit people. They do not seem like true fans of the bands.