
men should suffer a bit. in the way women did for all these centuries i mean. then maybe they wake up and be MEN again. not mama's sweethearts.
trona said:
I can mention war. Do you know how many American women are in ground combat right now in Iraq? Do you know how many have died there already? (ppfffttt. Pussy european men).

American women work in bigger, more skilled , more educated, higher paying jobs with longer hours like everyone here, 10-14 hour work days, 60-80 hour work weeks, here than most European men would ever think of working.
With little vacation per year, a week for most, two weeks maximum for the very lucky.
American women don't even take much time off to have kids, work right up close to giving birth, take two months off then back to work.
yeah you could start dying since we have been dying on the battlefield for ages, and the pussy european man why dont you fight on iraq like your ignorant american fellows
europeans live in wartimes for thousands of years and americans see war only on CNN, FFS, except sending some ppl out (tell me the %, hahaha) and having 2 buildings collapsed, the rest of their experience is mostly watching it on TV and from Hollywood shit films.

and iraq case is not about being pussy, its about sucking the juicy dick of US or not...

best said:
yeah you could start dying since we have been dying on the battlefield for ages, and the pussy european man why dont you fight on iraq like your ignorant american fellows

eh? We kind of do, though it's called peace establishing around here.
Dora said:
europeans live in wartimes for thousands of years and americans see war only on CNN, FFS, except sending some ppl out (tell me the %, hahaha) and having 2 buildings collapsed, the rest of their experience is mostly watching it on TV and from Hollywood shit films.

and iraq case is not about being pussy, its about sucking the juicy dick of US or not...

yeah all they know is wasting men in distant lands like vietnam, and shit on them when they come back
Yeah, damn Americans, should've left us alone back in the 40s as well, everything would be much simpler now.

Though the Iraq war motives were bullshit all along, I'm quite sure Iraquis will benefit in the long run, right now it's just a crazy situation.

"and iraq case is not about being pussy, its about sucking the juicy dick of US or not... "
I agree with this as far as the real fighting went, but right now there's a genuine need for foreign forces to establish law and order and help educate Iraquis to do just that. Americans aren't really suited for this, for one because of their combat oriented training and also because of the extreme and blind anti-americanism, so european (and Asian/African etc) troops are essential to rebuilding Iraq.
Boys, I'm not supporting the war, I'm countering previous false assumption statements about how women don't fight in war. Ours do even if yours don't. Our women work harder to make a living as well, all Americans do, it is well known that we work longer weeks with less vacation that any Europeans. Why? We are a non-socialized democracy. We pay for everything we have and still pay very high taxes. Plus it is required of our corporations that people work long hours. Fourty hour work weeks are a distant memory. If you don't make this kind of money in the corporate world, then most likely you work a couple of jobs, two or more, working very long days to survive as well. Women as well as men. I don't know what century you all are living in by making the comments you do about women, not ours in the U.S. , that's for sure. The things you say are a distant absurdity here and very strange and disturbing to hear.
I don't support much that the U.S. does here or anywhere, but listening to you all makes me realize just why we are where we are in the world, partly due to how hard we ALL work, and how we have left these inhibiting concepts of women far behind. It's just so weird.
There are women in the Danish army as well.

And you are where you are because of geographical reasons, resources.

And I suspect you might take some comments about women's role too serious.
interestingly in my country and everywhere i've ever been in europe women work all day and compared to the us they work for shit. just ask dhatura or check the thread about 'how much does living cost'.. And those women doesnt work for Carrier and other trendy western living aims FFS, they work 8 hours besides raising one or more children and they earn like 180$ per month!! And yeah, our women were shot by fucking russian TANKS on the streets of their home (not in far-away funny countries) some decades ago, and our houses are still full of holes and lands are full of remaining bombs and that. I agree with all you say about women working but you'd better leave the US aspect out from arguing :)

and i think its not a good thing, not one thing that ppl should be proud of, I mean, its great if you can do hard work, but its really bad that you need it. Like, we could have some 3rd world ppl here saying "we are the most cool cos we have even 10 year old children as hard workers in mines, haha, beat that!"