As far as I cn make out you seem to be delighted that your country has you working long shifts or two jobs, high taxes and doesn't care about it's people just the big bucks? Don't get me wrong I'm more than aware of the problems in this country but I'm not defending my country for it's mistakes.
This idea of less inhibiting concepts... 5 women governors in fifty, women hold 13 percent of the congress seats, top 500 companies in America..4 ran by a woman. On average women earn less than men.
'How hard we ALL work'..i'm sure you do work hard but then just because I don't have to work inexcusable hours doesn't mean that I don't.
'realise just where we are in the world'...I don't think you do mate. Your media, press schooling is all geared towards this., We're Number One syndrome and doesn't give you an idea of how alone, as a country, you are....
You are actually number one in..
military spending, firearm deaths, carbon dioxide emissions, hazardous waste production, oil consumption, per capita calorie consumption, lowest voter turnout, the number of international human rights treaties not signed.....
This is not a person attack but an attack on the attitude which is bred in your country.