Merchandise update...Ladies, pay attention ;)


Fool for a Lifetime
Apr 3, 2002
Harrisonburg, VA
Visit site
Hey everyone,

In case you haven't visited the merch section of, then you probably haven't noticed some new goodies.

- 3 new Ladies tops are now available.
- Divine Wings T's (not new, but still new enough to warrant a mention)
- Drop down box size isn't merch, but it makes the site look nicer!!

Oh and if you ever wanted to get a Odyssey Mug, please consider making that choice soon. I have about a dozen left. After they are gone, they will not be made again.

The Metal Chick said:
Oh sure, make the ladies shirts in size medium only :rolleyes: what about us that well endowed in the mid regions??? ;)
Well, after doing some research, I found out that this new shirt manufacturer actually has other sizes that I might be able to choose from. Previously, the babydoll were done as a One Size Fits All. As you may be aware, and it sounds like you are, it should say One Size Fits Some ;)

With that in mind, I'll be sure to look into getting some more in some other sizes in the near future. If you want to fess up in public to a size, go right ahead and say it. If you want to voice it in a private mail, send it my way.

The merch section continues to evolve as more people have had a chance to voice their opinions. This is part of the reason for having S-3X on the website. People wanted smaller sizes and so smaller sizes have been introduced. The site is there for that reason. Then band may not take 6 different sizes with them on tour, but at least you can find some other sizes on their site.

One Size Fits Some indeed.

But thanks Glenn, it would be great to have a SymX shirt that actually doesn't make me look like a guy for once. Since female clothes are always made real small, to say that I wear a 1X is still a pretty damn small shirt...well, for someone like me, I guess ;) So there, the whole forum knows it and I don't care :loco:
now i know where im buying my next tshirts from :grin:

thanks glenn, though if youre able to get a variety of sizes im sure the girls would very much appreciate that.

And yes I'm with Amanda on it will be great to have some feminine varieties to show our support.