

New Metal Member
May 19, 2007
Hey, I just want to hear if any of you have an idea how Evergreys Merchandise is doing in relations to how long it takes before you get what you've ordered.
It's been about 3 weeks since I ordered my tshirt and the money has been drawn from my account, but I still haven't heard anything (except from paypal). I have tried to write a couple of emails to the merchandise adress on Evergrey's homepage but no one answers, and it's starting to annoy me.

Do you guys know anything that could help me?
from what i remember, its the band themselves that do the merchandise so because they have been in australia recently they might not have had time to send it out, but you will receive it im sure
Hi, I just receiced an email from Rikard and yes you were absolutely right, so i am looking forward to do some advertising for this great band!
Speaking of which, I see not much for stuff on the band's merch site; but on JSR; they have but 2
T-shirts, "Inner Circle", & "A Night To Remember"

What about T-shirts for their CD's before these?? I KNOW they made them! So, why does nobody sell them?? I can find older T-shirts of other bands like I.E., B.G., etc., but NOT EG!! Same goes for Kamelot as well! Soooooo frustrating!!! Anyone know where I can get them other than ebay?
I wish they would start selling the Evergrey necklace again.

I never saw that necklace, but it sounds cool! Anyway, cool quote man, I saw ZH play in NJ at the ProgHouse last Fall, & they kicked major ass! I met them all after the show too, they are the coolest guys to hang w/! I got all their autographs, & me & my gf's pic taken w/Jasun!!!:rock:
Thats awesome EJC 74. yeah I talk to Jasun online everyday. They fucking rock and he is an incredible musician.

Yeah the necklace was awesome.

EVERY DAY??? DAMN, are you guys best friends or something?? Anyway, the pic is my pics section on MS. Check my profile out on here for the direct URL. You'll have to REQ me as my page os private, NO THANX to a few CUNTS on there who got me deleted!

Anyway, I see you have a page on there too for your band, but do you have one for just you outside your band's page? Just I'm not a Death Metal fan..Anyway, later man!
Did you get your order? I ordered a long time ago two t-shirts and those never came to me. I sent a few e-mails but I didn't get any response. Nothing at all. To be honest Evergrey's merchandise section is poorly arranged and I'm disappointed with all this mess.
Hi there

You are the first person we have heard of that didnt receive anything at all and also we have answered all the other peoples emails so it seems weird that we would ignore yours, but hey, stranger things have happened : )
so just write me an email with a your paypal info of your purchase and we will help you. my addy is below.

All the best
