Merciful One


Dragon of the Aesir
Mar 3, 2002
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Distant mountains lay in wait
A star to die three planets beyond
Desert, desert, whirling winds
The Ones of the Cross are at it again
Persecution armed with chaos
Then locusts will swarm the sands again
Alas, I see the End, there on the horizen

Twisted reasons of power
Led you all here
Mothers in weep
Justice in verse
Then let the games begin; horror
But then have the Locust Master see,
The One who killed the firsts of men,
Let Him see what Hell He has created
Hell that is engraved in blood
Shed as an offering to Him
....Merciful One.....
...Where art thou?................
And if's it not too impolite for me to ask, how old are you now?

Side note to cornerox - start writing now. Anytime you have something important you want to say but no one to say it to, write it down and the words will begin to come to you. I highly recommend being a geek and getting an online's mine, if anyone's interested in reading a long rant about love with lots of pointless big words.

Confessions of An Angst Junkie, Entry 2