My WEE one


Heyoka watching Trona
Sep 18, 2003
directly under Ben
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it is SO good to have my wee one home again. i'm always happy to have some ME time for the first few days, *sigh* but when it goes beyond his usual every other weekend visits with his father, *ugh*, it starts to make me SOOOOO SAD! i miss getting him up in the morning by kissing his cheek *sniff* and running my *sniff!* fingers across his face. OOOHHHHH. i miss tucking him in at night. *sigh. SIGH!* and when he gets off that bus and runs to me, *joy!* giving me the BEST hugs, well *sniff* no *weep! cry, weep!* there just isn't anything in the world that compares to parenthood. I'm truely blessed! I'm truely FULFILLED! I've procreated! And I raise it in my own image! Oh, God loves my love for my baby. God and Family forever!
I am WOOOMMAAAANNNN! I would not be a worthy WOMAN without having blown out a baby!

Again, may I so humbly add, I'm blessed by god and I LOVE YOU ALL!!!! SEE how I'm glowing?! It's true!

aahhhh, life! gracious me!
Forgive me, I'm *sniff* so overcome with joy that i gave myself a f'ucking huge migraine. :(
I shall take my leave so humbly, again, if you all won't protest it too much. Thank you thank you, bless you all!

Never mind that. I call my baby The Peanut-Butt, even though he's ten now. His little friends think I'm a crack-pot continually referring to my childs ass, kinda embarrassing for him now, but I don't care. He'll always be my little Peanut-Butt! I'll be calling him that till he's married. :) at least! *sigh!* Maybe he can marry ME! I'm sure he'd want to when he's old enough. I mean, who wouldn't?!
I don't have kids. as a matter of fact I can't stand them.

This is about someone a friend of mine knows. a chunk of this are her words! The rest is just who she is, how she thinks, acts , IS! Fucking hilarious!