I'm a beginner in mixing/recording etc. and I'm a little bit confused about some things! (Sorry my english)
I'm working mainly with Cubase / Addictive Drums / Synths-Pianos / Distorted Guitars etc.!
My signal chain for the guitar is: Guitar --> Audio Interface --> Rea-Gate --> Ampsim --> Cabinet..
I thought that my main problem is my distorted guitar sound because it was not a big problem for me to get a nice clean sound which affiliated easier with the other instruments like the drums etc... I tried many amp sims / Cabinets etc. and found this forum! I tried a signal chain from Dandelium (THANKS man!) and it sounded almost like in his example with the TSE-X30!
!At this point! i think i identified my "real" problem!
I compared Dandeliums signal chain with my older signal chains and recognized that my older guitar sounds does'nt sound soo bad like i thought - It was more this "accretion" with the other instruments, which makes this sounds "mighty" and mainly "compatible"!
I wrote down around 45 songs with guitar pro.. The songs are going into a music-style like "Dope", "Rammstein", "Deathstars, "Poisonblack".. I exported all that guitar pro midi tracks to cubase for further editing etc..
At this point I tune my Vst's until I like the sound for the recording session.
And there's the problem -->
"--- I got Sound A (Drums), Sound B (Guitars), Sound C (Choirs etc.) ----
Every sound "by itself" is sounding "ok" but the sounds are not going to affiliate and every instrument is a debris in a song."
Many of you think maybe that my problem is that I'm a noob in mixing the sounds """together""" and I think you're right.. Am I right?? :/ I think so.. :/
I red that every Instrument got it's own dominant Frequencies, so if I'm equalizing for an example a bass drum, should I radically delete/reduce all that high frequencies which are not really necessary for this instrument (Only Lows/Mids etc.) to give the other instruments space in their frequencies? I worked this way but it does'nt affiliate the instruments much in this way..
I hope I described my problem in detail, so I can hope for help..
I would be very happy to get some Tips/Tricks/Books/sites/Posts so that I can "specific" learn to mix (affiliate) my Finnish/Gothic-Metal Tracks correctly!