Didnt hyena and you whine about how hard it is to find a decent guy to date and about how long it's been since the last hopeful love story and so on? Im just wondering why at this point you two still sport a highly refined opinion about body hair, of all aspects.
Of course you dont like what you dont like, but shouldnt you start by sorting them into "nice" and "not so nice" before stuff like this comes up?
It's probably a bad example, take no offense if it is, but Ive seen it many times around me, women come up with all sorts of details they ABSOLUTELY want in their man and years later, still single, they rant about how cruel the world is, because they're still single...

Not that you should fuck everyone who offers, but you know.. it's criteria like body hair, eye color, religion, hair color, hair cut, size and stuff like this that raise the bar - not even high, just in weird places.
Btw, you didnt inspire this rant, you just made it pop up
Well, first of all, the fact that we have an opinion about such things doesn't mean that we base our decisions mostly or solely on such things. Everyone has preferences, and those who say they don't are straight out lying. (And from this point on, i will only talk about myself.)
Furthermore, as i already stated, it always depends on the guy. If you want me to break that down for you, it means that i won't prefer a hairy asshole just because he's hairy, and i won't reject a nice guy because he doesn't have blue eyes or the perfect body. But i will reject said nice guy if he doesn't do it for me.
So, i don't see how my having a preference about body hair leads you to the conclusion that i base my choices on "body hair, eye color, religion, hair color, hair cut, size and stuff like this" or that i ABSOLUTELY want my man to combine all of my preferences. As i said, it depends on the guy. And i really don't see how my wanting a guy with untrimmed body hair is limiting my choices, since the vast majority of the guys i have ever met (ie 100%) do not trim their body hair.
Now that i got that little misunderstanding out of the way, i want to talk a bit about sorting guys into categories. See, i do not agree that i should start by sorting them into "nice" and "not nice". I should start by sorting them into "straight men" and "everything else".
Now that we have that out of the way as well, i will reply regarding the "decent guy" thing. You can choose any combination of the following answers:
a) Decent guys are overestimated.
b) Decent guys are like Kinder eggs. They come with surprises.
c) There are no decent guys.
Besides, the definition of "decent" might differ from one person to another. And on to reply to your questions more specifically:
No, i did not whine about how difficult it is to find a decent guy to date. Because
i don't think there are decent guys, and because
i don't want to find a guy to date. I could have any number of 'decent' or not-so-decent guys if i wanted (i have at least 2 guys at my beck and call as we speak, and i'm counting strictly). The point is that i prefer to be alone. Sure, i might get the Spring Syndrome every now and then and miss the good things that come with having a relationship and whine about it, but i'd rather have my hard-earned balance, thank you. And no, i do not whine about how long it's been since the last hopeful love story, i hold that as my pride. It took me a while to get where i am, and i'm not going to trade my lifestyle and peace of mind for
some decent guy. I have my friends who support me emotionally, and i try not to care about the physical part. Besides i'm far too busy with more important things, i don't have time for all this (or as Kent put it:
har inte tid med all din skit). So why should i settle for a
decent guy? I'm not desperate (yet). At this point it would take an
amazing guy to make me consider it.
Am i bitter? Yes.
Sorry for the rant.
I know i will regret this post.
Merry Christmas.