Merry Chrismas!


The Band called ROCK
Nov 7, 2001
Molde, Norway
Just wanted to wish all of you Swanö - fans , and Dan himself ( if he reads this ) a merry christmas and a happy new year. Great forums this , methinks. Nice to see that people is not talking shit about each other. I was once a member of the metallica forum , but have`nt been there for months now. It`s irritating when everything you post have to be replyed with posts like " Yeah , right you retard" etc etc. Doesn`t make sense to me...

It would be nice though , if Dan himself could post more often here. It would be cool to read updated news from the Ayreon-project , and his own soloproject. I bet alot of you guys agree with me.

So , happy holiday to ya` all!

Have a nightingale christmas and a unicorn new year!!

Wow! Hello Dag! Nice to see you here in the forum. Weird username. :loco:
It would be nice if you could answer me two questions:
1. Which guitartuning you uses on "I"? Different or 7String or what? Sometimes it sounds quite deep.
2. Is this a intern band-running-gag with this "rock harder" or "Tom rocks hard as usual"?

Okay, a merry x-mas to you and the bandmembers.
I had the chance to meet your brother personal in the summer 2000. He's a nice and weird guy. Maybe next time we'll have the chance, too. I'm sure you're also a "freak". ;)

Hello Unicorn !

Nice hearing from you

1: I use standard tuning but it´s dropped two steps to D
On the song "Game Over" the low E string is dropped even further to C. Otherwise it´s all standard tuning ( Mabye Dan used the "Nightingale-tuning" on "Journey´s end, but i don´t think so )I have never recorded with a 7-string. I have used my "brown wonder" ( Ibanez blazer )on everything i have recorded since -86

2: You´re right about rock hard.

Merry x-mas
I don't like to play 7string-guitars, too. It's only good, when you only play this powerchord-hardcore-newmetal-music, I think.
Ibanez rocks, you're right! But I ever wanted a B.C.Rich "Stealth", because it looks so metaaaaal!
But I haven't played on this guitar, because I never saw it in a musicstore in Germany. But, who cares?
Thank you for answering. It's been a pleasure.
And "rock hard" in the future.:cool:
Hello ( Hej ) Nightfall !

"The Game"
"Game over"
"Drowning in sadeness"
"Dead or Alive"

Are my songs ( apart from the lyrics )

Dan and i wrote "Still in the dark" togheter

Everything else is Dan´s work.

There are nog gigs planned but íll guess we do some gig´s in Sweden, at least.

Happy christmas ( God Jul )