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This Christmas is going to be different for me, considering my brother and sister won't be there. We don't have a tree either. Guess I'm not a little kid anymore.

Oh well, I guess people get older, and time changes.
My insanely posh mate commented on your dinner as "Doesn't sound that odd" and "Sounds like they've taken two normal meals and put them together".
Mind you, he also plans to start collecting wine next summer, wears tweed, is in the boating club, and is generally posh as.

Well I suppose my menu sounds more snobbish when spoken out loud in a British accent.
Our christmas dinner is; ham, pickled herring, veal brawn, potatoes, salmon, harring, meatballs, small frying sausages, blana (mixture of whipped cream and a kind of sweet butter) and fatost ( don't even know how to explain that one)
Christmas dinner at my place consists of roasted grouse and assorted forest birds, grilled mushrooms, broccoli, potatoes, crispy bacon and onions, red wine sauce, and ungodly amounts of beer and wine. Good times...
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