mesa boogie - dual or triple rectifier??


disco my arse!
May 24, 2001
Belgrade, Serbia
i would like to buy mesa boogie triple rectifier. could anyone tell me what's the difference between dual and triple rec? which one is better? i know that triple rec is more expensive and 150w (dual is 100w). Could anyone tell me the exact (or nearest) prices?

discouraged1 said:
i would like to buy mesa boogie triple rectifier. could anyone tell me what's the difference between dual and triple rec? which one is better? i know that triple rec is more expensive and 150w (dual is 100w). Could anyone tell me the exact (or nearest) prices?

im not a big fan of mesa, but if you had to get either, id go with the three channel dual rectifier. theres nothing like a 100 watt head, ever. plus you save money, and noby ever needs the extra fifty watts. my VHT 2/50/2 is only fifty watts a side, and i run it stereo (50 watts through one side of a marshall 4x12 [2x12]), and its plenty loud.
Dual Rectifier. Triple is only if you are playing an arena or something, and if you're playing an arena, then you should probably be able to afford one easily by then anyway.
Bob: are the Mesas really so muddy??? I never tested one (never found one in a store so far) but I think I saw some guitarists use them live and it sounded pretty damn great (better than the 5150s I heard) and not muddy at all...................
Hexer said:
Bob: are the Mesas really so muddy??? I never tested one (never found one in a store so far) but I think I saw some guitarists use them live and it sounded pretty damn great (better than the 5150s I heard) and not muddy at all...................
you have to really tweak it, its a pain in the ass. too much shit to deal with. if you ever get to see a Mesa rectifier Road king, they are okay, still soulds weird to me though, plus they are CMPLICATED as fuck. in the back is where it kills me, 2 effect knobs for each channel, footswitch knob, bias knob, voltage knob, and a bias switch, its really annoying. plus they have electrical problems. i blew fuses in 2 of em with a full stack connected, just by turning a little gain on.
i know mesas are better than 5150 (i played 5150 couple of times and recorded some tracks on it). i also know that mesas are pain in the ass to explore+experiment with all those raw/vintage/modern high gain knobs etc etc. but, i think they have all the rights to be so expensive. i mean, opeth started to use them, and that tells me pretty much..

any1 tried peavey triple xxx?
peavy triple x is a KILLER AMP!!!i highly suggest it over ANYTHING from Mesa
bob is right. mesa = mud (same kind of mud that gets in yer ass crack on a hot day when you dont wipe good enough)

I never liked the 5150 either. Just doesnt sound good at all.
I have a Marshall Jcm 2000. I think its better than the mesas and 5150's but its not the best.
Dual Super Lead? right?

do you have the DSL 100 or the DSL 50?

number of watts that is
Mesas are muddy when people don't take the time to learn how to use them properly. Played moderately loud (or attenuated, I suppose) they sound pretty damn tight and focused. It's also extremely important to bias them correctly to get them out of crossover distortion, which is the cause for the fizzy tone some people complain about. I'm not a die hard Mesa fan. In fact, I don't own any Mesa products. Yes, they're so fucking overpriced in Europe, but I just think it's foolish to label Boogie amps as muddy just because you think Linkin Park sounds like shit. Every time I've played a Boogie, it sounded fine.
If you are planning to get a rectifier, get the 2 channel Dual Rec.

NOTE: make sure that you (just like anybody who knows a little bit about rectos would)get one made in 1995/96 or before. Those will give you the best sound possible from any of the rectos.

You can still get a pretty decent sound out of just about any other Dual or Triple Rectifier, but the newer ones can't get kind of muddy sometimes while those made before '96 just won't.

Just another sugestion, don't listen with your eyes, listen with your ears, if you know what I mean.