Cab to go with Mesa Boogie Triple Recto head


May 16, 2004
Alright so my gear at present is:

Ibanez RG-550
3 channel 150 watt Mesa Boogie Triple Rectifier

I need a cab... I've been looking at the following so far (all of these have gotten great reviews):

Standard Mesa Boogie 4x12 Recto
Orange 4x12
Bogner 4x12
Vader 4x12
Engl 4x12

Can someone who's tested at least several of these with a triple recto head try to describe the differences in tone (as best they can)?

I'll be playing mostly death metal, black metal, and atmospheric stuff (like Isis for example, but different). When it comes to clean, I like my clean sort of 'icy' if that makes sense. It's also important that the cab can handle low-tunings as well as normal ones (I play quite a bit of c-tuned metal).
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are you aware that there are 3 different ENGL 4*12s?
the 412 Standard (with V60 speakers)
the 412 Vintage (with V30s) and
the 412 XXL