Mesa Boogie Mark IV vs Dual Rectifier


New Metal Member
Jan 2, 2010
Hi guys, new to the forums =)
Sorry if this thread has been done before I tried doing a search but the search engine wouldnt let me view any posts (strange).

I recently got into possession a mesa boogie mark IV which i'm pretty excited about. However i'm not too sure if its the sound I will be looking for? I've come quite accustomed to the dual rec tone via bands such as BTBAM and Painted in Exile and was hoping for some more insight.

Many thanks people.
Well the the Dual Rec is a totally different voicing altogether.
If the IV isn't what you're looking for, sell it and get a Dual Rec
Spend a good amount of time with the Mark IV before you consider another amp. They take a while to tweak and get used to, but they're fantastic sounding.
Well the the Dual Rec is a totally different voicing altogether.
If the IV isn't what you're looking for, sell it and get a Dual Rec
Yeah I know that, part of me wants to get the Dual Rec coz I know itll give me a tone I'm after, yet the other part says I should keep the Mark IV coz its worth a lot more I might be able to find a better tone alltogether.
Spend a good amount of time with the Mark IV before you consider another amp. They take a while to tweak and get used to, but they're fantastic sounding.
I've been told that too. I have to admit the 18 knobs on the front of the amp are kinda of o_O
For God's sake Danny stop focusing on gear and get back to practicing and writing music! That purchase is barely even cold and you're already having second thoughts?

Mark IV, Dual Rec, all this means SHIT unless you can write a reasonable song for the career you'd like to have. I would've just got a POD or AXE-FX and just got stuck into the creative side of things. There's plenty of time to become a gear wanker in your middle age. I know it probably doesn't seem like it from your perspective, but this stuff you're putting so much focus on now is completely inconsequential.
the MKIV is fucking awesome....
best clean on a highgain amp, great crunch and SWEET singing leads.

BUT the voicing is different on the Recto...I prefer the Recto for metal.
I've just sold my MKIV to get a 5150III
I will say this...

The Dual Recto is probably much better for all out heavy metal.

If you sell the Mark IV to get a Dual Recto however, later on down the track, you'll end up regretting selling the Mark IV and just wished you held onto it and saved for the Recto as well. They are both amazing shouldn't really want to have one over the should just want both. :lol:
Both amps are great, but the Mark IV has more potential to sound awesome right into the mic. It's the most mix-ready sounding raw thing I've ever heard. Last time we tracked it, there was no fizz, seriously, just no fizz whatsoever. All the tone was in the correct areas, and just in need of minor adjustments. The Bugera 6260 we tracked alongside was absolutely FULL of junk, all over the spectrum. Rectifiers similarly have a ton of shit going on in the top end that needs to be annihilated for them to become bearable. Once that's done though they do have the potential to sound larger and heavier than the Mark IV.
Didn't Heathen use a Mark IV for recording of Victims Of Deception?
The guitars on that album are damn huge :headbang:

Can't say I've heard it man.

Don't get me wrong though...I'm not saying a Mark IV can't get heavy. Some Dream Theater tones done with a Mark IV sound enormous!
Can't say I've heard it man.

Don't get me wrong though...I'm not saying a Mark IV can't get heavy. Some Dream Theater tones done with a Mark IV sound enormous!

I actually just bought a mark V. I'm getting pretty antsy to try in on a really heavy band. I've used it plenty on rock, a little punk, and some bluesy stuff, but I haven't heard it yet with a full on metal band. I only record about 10% metal bands, so this amp has been EXTREMELY versatile for me so far. I got a smoking deal on it too, but depending on how I like it for all out bonecrushing metal tones, I may be saving up for a 6505/ Krank/ etc. in addition to the Mark V.

So to the OP, I'd say keep the Mark IV. You'll end up missing it later if you don't.