Mesa Cab got soaked....


Sep 2, 2008
Miami, Fl
So on the way to a gig, it started pouring like a motherfucker and we had one of our mesa cabs in the back of a pickup truck. So after many tears and about an hour of letting it dry out with a fan blowing into it, we decided to try it out. It now sounds like total fizzy ass and the lowend breaks up in a disgusting way. Aside from the obvious "it got rained on dumbshit" answers, you guys got any ideas on what specifically may have gotten fucked in the process? The cab was covered by its slip cover and a heavy blanket so it seamed like only the bottom two speakers got wet but all four of them sound equally bad. It's leading me to think it has something to do with the jack plate and/or wiring.

Any ideas would be appreciated as a new jack plate and some soldering would be MUCH better than having to buy 4 new speakers/new cab.

it could of just fucked up your jacks or your coils on your speakers wernt dry before you played thru the cab. id let it dry for a few days and use contact cleaner on the jacks. and if that doesent work you probley need new speakers and jack plate. how long have you had your cab?
Maybe take it to a tech or someone who knows a lot about how the things work and are put together, and get them to examine everything that could be wrong with it. It might just be a case of having to clean some wiring or even replace some wiring, but it could be a lot worse too, and playing it while it's messed up could be worse for it as well.
I'm sure a European or Aussie would still give you head for it :D Sorry to hear that dude; I'd imagine swapping the speakers would pretty much correct the problem (hopefully the wood didn't rot, or at least not too much, nor the glue seals weaken)
Thanks for the replies guys, we've actually waited like 2 weeks before trying again. It's still doing the same shit. We opened it up and had a look inside and everything looks absolutely perfect so i guess I'll try some contact cleaner now and see how that goes.

And Marcus, as much as i'd appreciate some Aussie head, I need my guitar player to have a non fucked cab more haha.

Thanks again guys, wish us luck :kickass:
+! i hope you guys never have to share the pain of me and this dude..

putting 2 new v30s in my cab was the saddest day of my life

Damn dude, I'm sorta scared to ask but what happened to yours? This is some sad shit man, going from a mesa cab to a B-52 hurts lol. Contact cleaner did actually make it a bit better now it just farts like crazy on palm mutes. Any suggestions on how to check if the glue is fucked? I'm hoping that may be the main problem, the contact cleaner took care of the fizz.
i guess the coils got overused, and they just lost all of their bass it was the speaker that gave off the awesometime impulses and fredman
i guess the coils got overused, and they just lost all of their bass it was the speaker that gave off the awesometime impulses and fredman
tbh...if you have played it before it was fully dry it was the stupidest thing you could have done....wet cardboard (cones) ger to move fast and hard (playing through) = fucking them up bigtime.

edit: nvmnd, didn't read the op thoroughly enough