What do i buy? - new speakers, or new cab!??

veil the sky

Lexicon V
Nov 22, 2001
Guildford UK
Hi all

I really need a new cab, currently running -

Mesa Boogie Strategy 400

into a 1960s Marshall cab with stock speakers.

Is it worth all the money buying a new cab from Mesa or someone? Or should I just buy some quality speakers and fit them into my straight, closed-back Hi-Watt cabinet?

Any thoughts?
Depends on your budget and the quality of the Hiwatt cab. If the Hiwatt is pretty solidly built, I would throw some Vintage 30s in and call it a day. If you have the cash to spare, pick up a Mesa or Randall 4x12 w/ vintage 30s. \m/

Haha no i just meant it was one of the 1960's models it's a 1960A.

I'm really just trying to find out it all that 1000GBP on a MESA cab goes towards some kind of magical and brilliant cabinet design to really get the most out the speakers, or if I'm paying for convenience and a MESA badge.

The HIWATT is actually really well put together (too well, it weights a bloody ton!) but all the fittings are knackered. Speaker fittings, input, front grill etc etc. It would be quite a project, but one I'm willing to do if I get the sound of a 1000GBP cabinet by putting decent speakers in it.
The thing with the Mesas is they're incredibly well constructed, but also because the Rectifier cabs are oversized, they have more bass which results in some of the mids being a bit scooped-sounding in comparison; I used to think this was a bad thing and thought the Mesa Stiletto cab was better (the smaller one, the same size as pretty much every other 4x12 out there), but after owning one and recording it pretty regularly for a few months, I realized it had too much mids, specifically in the area around 400 Hz that make it feel very dense, stuffy, and "wooly," so it's actually a very good thing that the Rectifier cab scoops those particular mids! (while leaving the good ones)

My point was that he should keep the 1960 AND get a new cab.

I know dude, I was just bustin your balls cos he never mentioned ridding the marshall :goggly:

Think there's another thread somewhere on the forum with plenty cab talk. Once again, as I always do, I'd urge you to try a Blackstar 4x12, as they're the closest thing I've ever seen to a Mesa. Mesa cabs do obviously sound really nice, but I think you can easily spend less cash on a cabinet - I think Mesa is the most expensive one you can buy, if not those Hammett Randalls and Hendrix Marshalls.
Meisterjäger;8097786 said:
I think Mesa is the most expensive one you can buy, if not those Hammett Randalls and Hendrix Marshalls.

Not in the US!! :muahaha: $950 new for either a Rectifier or Stiletto cab!!
Hahaha, yeah, of course, but relative to the prices other cabs of similar quality/stature here in the US (e.g. Engl, Diezel, Bogner) and Mesa prices abroad, it's a bargain!

And with the RIDICULOUS amount of mint Mesa cabs on the used market hovering between $500 and $600, you'd have to be retarded (or named Joe :D) to buy one new!
Hahaha, yeah, of course, but relative to the prices other cabs of similar quality/stature here in the US (e.g. Engl, Diezel, Bogner) and Mesa prices abroad, it's a bargain!

And with the RIDICULOUS amount of mint Mesa cabs on the used market hovering between $500 and $600, you'd have to be retarded (or named Joe :D) to buy one new!

Kindly piss off...:) I'm keeping the bitch anyway, and I like my shit squeaky clean new. Also, I was checking the used market for a STRAIGHT OS in mint shape during my quest, and found zero.
