Mesa Mark 5: 25 and Mark V comparison video

Cool demo, thanks! Both sound great but to me the Mark V does sound 'bigger' and more alive. Maybe the 25 could be dialed to sound closer, not sure, what do you think?
Thanks guys!

I absolutely love the tone of both and happy to use either! We actually managed an even closer sound by dropping the 750Hz amd 6600Hz settings slightly and boosting 80Hz more on the graphic EQ; but I thought for the purposes of comparison, it'd be better to keep all controls "visually" the same, so the only variable is the amp.

We didn't test any of the other channels so can't really comment on that.
The 100-watter definitely does sound more open, but the 25-watt doesn't really sound too boxy with the EL84's like I expected. Cool!
Loving the tones, very cool demo! I actually loved both. Mark V is a bit fuller, but I think it can be compensated. 25 sounds chunkier, but it may be due to a bit fuller low mids of Mark V.
This video made me miss my Mark IV and regret I didn't grab Mark V when I had a chance.
Thanks guys!

I absolutely love the tone of both and happy to use either! We actually managed an even closer sound by dropping the 750Hz amd 6600Hz settings slightly and boosting 80Hz more on the graphic EQ; but I thought for the purposes of comparison, it'd be better to keep all controls "visually" the same, so the only variable is the amp.

We didn't test any of the other channels so can't really comment on that.

Yeah no I agree, good job on the comparison! Thanks again
Running a boost in front?

No nothing at all - apart from the wah in the solo. I've not used a tube screamer in front of an amp for the last year or so. Kind of prefer it without at the moment. Who knows, will probably change my mind again in a few months!

Pete's guitar is loaded with Bareknuckle Juggernaut pickups for anyone interested.
The difference between the two is the same I notice between the Mini Recto and full size Recto too. Just more open and fuller really, and less fizzy (the full size). But hell, both great tones and very very usable! :)
Not able to say which one I prefer actually. Great tones man!
Makes me want to get one of these or, failing that, some good profiles ;)
Thanks guys!

I absolutely love the tone of both and happy to use either! We actually managed an even closer sound by dropping the 750Hz amd 6600Hz settings slightly and boosting 80Hz more on the graphic EQ; but I thought for the purposes of comparison, it'd be better to keep all controls "visually" the same, so the only variable is the amp.

If you watch the videos that Mesa has put out, they talk about how they've specifically changed some of the eq knob behaviors to give some extra options in the smaller format. I'm sure if you just dialed them in by ear they'd be pretty close. Given the different power tubes and wattages, I'd expect things to operate a little differently. Either way they're SUPER fucking close already. Sounds fantastic.

I miss my Mark V. The Kemper is more useful, but..... Just not quite as bad-ass.....
I was really hoping for a comparison (a good one) thank you!!
Nice tones! My favourite amp really though i like a lot of other ones too.

By the way could you give me some info on the bass? Chain and processing? It supports the guitar and they dont step on each other good job!
By the way could you give me some info on the bass? Chain and processing?

Hmm, it was a couple of years ago that the bass and drums were tracked, so I can't remember some of the details. I do know that we reamped the bass with the Mark V (tweed channel) through an Ampeg classic SVT cab. Really can't remember the mic, sorry. I don't like how it sounds now to be honest. I know it's definitely not a D6, as I've only started using that recently for bass amps.

The mic preamp was a Neve 1073, probably saturated, then into a Distressor, most likely opto, distortion mode 2. But I'm guessing.....

It's all ITB processing in the mix. Basic EQ/comp/limiting crap. I like FabFilter!
I know what you mean man but i think it s related to the "character". For example i enjoy the bass tone in Tool's albums; love the character.
But character aside, i was speaking in terms of frequency and i think you did a really good job in having a bass support the guitar and make it seem really big without stepping on it if you know what i mean (my english leaves a bit to be desired..)

Either way thank you for the reply and all the details!! Definitely did not expect a bass through the tweed channel of that amp. Although you dont like it you experimented and listened with your ears when a lot of people wouldve sticked with the "safer" methods (nothing against that; thats cool too) and that is a good sign.
