Mesa Re-Tube Help


djenital moosic
Feb 17, 2006
Hey Fella's Im a tube noob and i will try and make this short. I own a Mesa Triple Recto and noticed last night that the tone had changed, so i looked at the back of the head and one of the power tube's (MESA Stock 6l6's) was not glowing and was cold to the touch so its blown. My question is this, can i just replace the 6l6's with another brand of tubes without replacing the rectifier tubes? And another thing, im broke as a joke right now and all i have is a Guitar Center card, and all they carry are Groove Tubes. Do they sound worth a shit? I have a show Sat night and need to get it sorted by then, Thanks for your help

GC 6l6 Selection
Fuck eurotubes, you're buying from a slightly-crazed dude who sells exactly one brand of tubes, how much good advice can he really give? JJ's are good, but they're not necessarily the be-all end-all; check out and (though I only look at the latter for comparison reviews, I buy from Doug)

And Groove Tubes will be fine, just be sure to get 3 matched pairs (and you don't have to swap the Rectifier tubes).
Fuck eurotubes, you're buying from a slightly-crazed dude who sells exactly one brand of tubes, how much good advice can he really give? JJ's are good, but they're not necessarily the be-all end-all; check out and (though I only look at the latter for comparison reviews, I buy from Doug)

And Groove Tubes will be fine, just be sure to get 3 matched pairs (and you don't have to swap the Rectifier tubes).

Thanks brother. A dude that posted a review on the GT-6L6-S is saying they are "GT's rebranded JJ power tubes" any validity to that?
I wouldn't be surprised, all GT does is take good tubes and rebrand 'em (and charge more :Smug: ), though I'm not sure of which, so it easily could be!