Mesa Recto 1x12 Cab?


Oct 6, 2007
Columbus GA
Anyone ever use one of these? I really want a Mesa Recto cab....but only have enough to get the 1x12 right now. I would be using it for recording only.....

Is it pretty much pointless, or do these sound good? Any thoughts?

I have a recto 2x12 hitting ebay tomorrow for $450 plus shipping if you're interested?

Sorry - I got wrapped up and didn't get a chance to list it today. It's hitting ebay tomorrow at 2:00pm Eastern time. I think this should be the link, but if the link changes after the listing goes live, I'll update it here.

I deciced that I need the cash quickly so the starting price is only $400, with a BIN of $425.

My Beloved Recto Cab on Ebay....

I just picked up a Mesa Recto 1x12 Cab, I think they sound good.

If you want to hear what it sounds like then post a clip
and tell me what Triaxis setting you want.