Mesa Single Recto, Maxon OD-808, 57


Feb 8, 2006
Grenoble, FRANCE
Hello guys,

I was at a friend's house the other day, and he had the following setup :

Mesa Single Rectifier head
Mesa 4x12 traditional cab
Presonus Firepod sound card
Brent Averill 312 mic pres
low end LTD guitar

I brought in my Maxon OD-808, and we tried to get a cool metal sound.
You can listen it here :

It's raw, no EQ. The first extract is better than the second one, I think the first has less presence than the second one.
In the final I think it sounds good but a bit muddy in the low end. My friend is going to buy a Mytek stereo converter, should be tighter :headbang:
what does the mytek do exactly? What is a stereo converter and how does it help the guitar sound?
The Mytek is a stereo AD converter, it should improve the sound in terms of clarity, especially in the extreme frequencies. This recording has been done with the Firepod (using the Firepod converters which are correct but not high end).
Hey Sylvain,
sounds cool overall, just a tad overgained I think.
Would be cool if you posted your settings cause I'll be recording a single recto this week end. Could be a good starting point even though I'm more after a rockish hard core sound sound in the vein of Botch or Every Time I Die.
As for the converter stuff, I don't think it will make a world difference, at least not as big as you might expect. You should check the amount of gain first. Just my two centimes. ;)
Hey Burny,

I know converters won't make a world of difference, but when I record guitars with my Apogee Rosetta, the overall clarity and tone is better, but you're right there are many other things to consider before the converters that will affect the final sound more ;)
I don't remember the exact settings we used, but it was pretty classical something like this :
Bass 2:30 o'clock
Mid 1 o'clock
Treble 12 o'clock
Presence was also 12 o'clock

Maxon settings :
Overdrive : 0 (we just used the pedal as a boost, keeping more of the original sound of the amp)
Tone : 12:30 o'clock
Balance : 3 o'clock

I'm not sure they are exact, but I will check ;)
I will reamp a single rectifier this weekend, this one sounds better than the duals I've tried in the past. Sly's sample shows it's a great amp. I'll try to get some samples here next week
My friend has received his Mytek converter, and guys it makes a HUGE difference, in terms of clarity, dynamics and stereo field !!

Here is an extract, same mic position, but he changed the amp settings (IMO the first extract has better amp settings though) and used his Ibanez TS-808 instead of my Maxon OD-808.
Here it is :

Even if I prefer the first sound we achieved with the amp, the second one has a much better definition ! Hear by yourself.