cool thanks for the info!
btw you mention the vintage channel on the recto do you prefer it to the modern? still didnt make up my mind yet but will try them again soon see which one fits the song more..
Congrats! Which Revision? Serial? Have fun!
Hey! Alright. I prefer the bold setting for a tighter sound with more headroom.I missed this! I'll check tomorrow and let you know.
Quick question: Do you prefer bold or spongy?
EDIT: Just looked. It's R-014480.
Bold >>> spongy, the latter is meant to be a variac effect (reducing the voltage going to the amp), I guess for brown sound chasers
And that serial # makes it one of the later Rev G. models, the final revision before the 3 channels
LMFAO! Incredible!I love the comment about gonk gonk gonk
Now we just need some bedroom guitar wiz to make progressive gonk and djent will be passe and unhip.
Do you guys use tube rectification? I've always preferred the diode mode and the modern voicing with a TS in front on my 3-ch recto, sounds AMAZING. You have to be careful with the presence though, it's very easy to turn it up too high and end up in fizz city. Apart from presence I usually dial everything in at very close to 12 o'clock.
Personally I think using the diode AND bold can get almost solid state sounding. Tube rec + bold is a nice blend, as is diode and spongy, but I just found bold with diode was really sharp and almost too tight. But hey, I've only had mine a week so what do I knowI'm just saying, that's what I've found so far. Best of both worlds, sort of thing.
Have you tried a tubescreamer(gain: min./vol Max tone 12o clock) and a 12 o clock setting as a starting point on channel 2 vintage with bold and rectifier?
+1 for flipping bit... ahh switshesI'll have to experiment some more with the tube rectification as well, it's been a while since I've flipped those switches around.
I'm curious...I'll give this a shot. While just playing through some DIs, switching to Vintage always sounded bad in comparison to Modern, but I'll check it more thoroughly now and post my findings...