

Handful of Nothing
Aug 27, 2001
Well.,.,.,im finally gonna sell my piece of shit Randall half stack.,.,I was looking at a mesa boogie 2X12 used tremo-verb for about 1400 (i think it is a 99' model).,,.it sounded pretty damn brutal.,.. wut do yall think about using 2X12's with 4 speaker cabs(not my shitty randall cab)?

My goal was to get a used mesa half stack.,.i heard that triple rectifiers are good.,..i havent tried it out yet.,.. \m/ (><) \m/
Mesa stuff is amazing... Rectifiers are good, but if you have 1400$ knocking about, then get yourself a triaxis preamp and 2:90 power amp of ebay. Killer sounds, and very very flexible. And enough power to kill old ladies at a more than respectable distance.
I use a Mesa Boogie Triple Rectifier with 2 celestion filled 4x12 Marshall cabs. I've used Marshall jcm900, ADA mp2, in the past, and so far the Boogie wins.

I play death metal and this amp moves air. Your drummer will be telling you to 'turn it down'.
I have a Tremoverb and it's an amazing amp....

You realise it's voiced with less distortion that the Double/Triple Rectifiers though???

I play Symphony X and DT and to get there tones I use either an Ibanez TS9 or Boss DS1 in front to give it that extra push.....

This is truly an amp for life though... providing your not worried about only 2 footswitchable channels.... but hey who actually needs a clean tone? lol....
I've never played the tremoverb, but most 2x12 combos can power a 4x12 with little difficulty. I 'm sure it'll do just fine.

What are you looking to get out of it? What kind of music do you play?
I play mostly death metal with some melodic/progressive.

I know it has less destortion i just wasnt impressed with the single rectifier at all. I found a good tone from the Tremo-verb, but i wonder if i should go with the triple rectifier.