Meshuggah - Nothing


Old Fart
Jul 24, 2001
The Woodlands
Listening to this right now. I'm on song #4, I think (because they all sound the same), and I'm trying to figure out what it is about these guys that garners them special attention.

Since I'm no musician, I'm not listening for weird time signatures or technicality, because it's always about the music anyway. The music is really nothing special. It's not horrible, but they are doing nothing that sets them apart from the crowd of death metal-ish thrash. And any Meshuggah fan can never complain about hardcore vocalists. That dude is all shouts.


I gave a listen to the latest Meshuggah in the HMV to decide whether I buy it or not... I decided not to buy it. I don't like math metal at all.
J. said:
Listening to this right now. I'm on song #4, I think (because they all sound the same), and I'm trying to figure out what it is about these guys that garners them special attention.

Since I'm no musician, I'm not listening for weird time signatures or technicality, because it's always about the music anyway. The music is really nothing special. It's not horrible, but they are doing nothing that sets them apart from the crowd of death metal-ish thrash. And any Meshuggah fan can never complain about hardcore vocalists. That dude is all shouts.



agreed ... tried Chaoshpere and it left me flat ... I HAAAATE stop/go riffing ... to me it means you cannot hold a riff or play your instrument.
I get a headache everytime I tried to listen to them.
You guys might like the None EP or possibly Destory.Erase.Improve. More straight forward and thrashy. Simply because Meshuggah tried to push a few boundaries and try something that virtually no one was doing at the time dosent mean they arent more than competent musicians. THomas Haake (drummer) still blows my mind with some of the things he does.
yeah, I've heard Contradictions Collapse, DEI, Chaosphere and now Nothing. Just boring. Not good, not horrible, just......there.
I was trying to stay with Nothing, but after the same exact song was played 5 times, they lost me. same pounding rhythms and stop/start riffing.

THe vocalist really didn't bother me, but his vocals are so at-the-front of the mix, it can get old real fast. And lke I said, no fan of Meshuggah can NEVER EVER EVER complain about -core vocals. EVER. That dude could front any -core band and be right at home.
En Vind Av Sorg said:
I always thought Meshuggah wrote some awesome riffs. I think One incher is the only one who agrees though.
I know Nate and Matt99 love them as well. Their riffs make my head spin, greatest metal band of the past 5 years, maybe longer.

I don't know why people continue to debate them, you either like them, or you don't. If you want verse-chorus-verse with easy to digest 4/4 riffs then GO SOMEWHERE ELSE.
En Vind Av Sorg said:
Drop acid then listen to Spasm. Thats all.

You can drop acid and play in feces and you will get the same result. :Smug:
I like the collective sound it makes when they play their instruments together and sing, same reason I like other bands.
Damn, does this argument ever end? Yes, I do agree about Kidman's vocals which have prevented me from embracing this band in the gay way, but to accuse them of being unable to construct a riff, even if you hate their music, just sounds dumb. Some of them tear my head off, or at the least inspire arrhythmic headbnaging.

Oh yeah, Spasm rules all.
Do people call stuff like Meshuggah Thrash just to make people mad or what?
I hear the first EP/album actually is thrash with little tech wankery and time signature fuckery, but I haven't heard it myself.
This battle over whether or not Meshuggah is any good is getting old. Hasn't this been discussed 3,000,000,000,000,125,234,098,098 times? It is obvious that quite a few people at RC don't like Meshuggah. Fine. It is also obvious that MANY, MANY people in the world DO like Meshuggah. Fine.

This thread is pointless.