Message From Eric Peterson

Deadly Embrace

Feb 27, 2002
Bay Area
Here I am! (again)
Well well, we've been busy gettin ready for our first show back
and tightening up the machine known as TESTAMENT!
This show will be held at The Concord Pavillian, NOV. 2nd,
this saturday 4pm sharp! If you live in the bay area come check it out!

We are really excited to play again and looking forward to playing
some more shows in December!

Also been writing away for a new TESTAMENT! to live by for a few
years, which I'm sure you all will enjoy!

But first we will take our brand of metal out again for a couple
short tours to get our groove on and say hello to old and new friends out there!
Then finally record!

Talk soon!
Hail and Hill!!!

Also thanks to Deadly embrace for answering our questions for us
your so on it! puhh!

By "Short Tours", I would imagine, West Coast, & some inland dates, but everything is in the process of being finalized, & the dates are TBA, as well as exactly what cities.......Stay tuned, when it's set in stone, it will be announced promtply, properly, & officially.
Originally posted by Deadly Embrace
By "Short Tours", I would imagine, West Coast, & some inland dates, but everything is in the process of being finalized, & the dates are TBA, as well as exactly what cities.......Stay tuned, when it's set in stone, it will be announced promtply, properly, & officially.

Listening to Vio-Lence Oppressing the Masses-
