Metal : A headbangers journey


Oct 31, 2005
anyone see this film, actually pretty proud to say its a Canadian film, basically a documentary hosted by a 30 year old metalhead from western Canada who gives a history lesson on metals roots, stereotypes and fans.
The movie is filmed in New York, London,Norway and LA, check it out
Yes I saw it, and it is really a good film I thought it was pretty clever how he used his degree in anthropology and what he had learned and applied it the Metal culture I did not know there was so many different genres in Metal music there is A new wave of American Metal ? damn good film

EarthSkynSea said:
anyone see this film, actually pretty proud to say its a Canadian film, basically a documentary hosted by a 30 year old metalhead from western Canada who gives a history lesson on metals roots, stereotypes and fans.
The movie is filmed in New York, London,Norway and LA, check it out