Metal - A Headbangers Journey


Jan 9, 2003
West Sussex
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I watched this the other weekend and whilst I don't think you learn anything new it is interesting and nostalgic, definitely one for the DVD collection.

Interestingly Wacken does feature quite heavily in this film along with Thomas Jensen who gets interviewed.

I've yet to watch the disc of extras but will let you all know what its like when I have.

P.S. I swear on the Wacken footage, I spotted SaxonMckenz kilted up beer in hand :kickass:
Ive seen it floating around on teh internet but didnt know what it was, but im not the type to download stuff like that without paying for it......especially now i have a 10mb connection :muahaha:

BTW: Does the Metal God make an appearance ???
valanx said:
Lol, i meant Rob Halford but thanks for the link. Didnt think to look on imdb for it...Some cool people in this, Tom Araya, Alice, Ronnie Dio etc.

lol, that's what I meant too :heh: Halford killed God, so he became God instead.. :Saint:
Crusader said:
lol, that's what I meant too :heh: Halford killed God, so he became God instead.. :Saint:

Ahhh Right !! Lol, still its a shame, no sign of God or Halford on the credits :mad:
And no sign of Saxon members or Priest in the credits at all....How can this dvd be any good ???