Metal: A Headbanger's Journey

I just figured it might be a little fun. I already know everything he'll cover...I've been listening to this music since the mid-70's for fucks-sake. :Smug: :lol:

I just really enjoy watching shit that deals with the music I love. So, since I'm not really looking for something that will teach me anything, I think this sounds like a decent investment. Oh...and Slipknot doesn't really need to be there.

Bro. I strongly suggest you watch it on youtube for free. I wouldn't pay more than 99 cents for this putrid pile of steaming crack stain. Each interview has about as much substance as a sack of chewed up sunflower seeds. So far I have learned that Angela Glassblower feels empowered while performing on stage, Slipknot #7 & #9 had a miserable upbringing in Iowa, and according to a leading musicologist, to create the heavy metal sound, you need big amps and a nice guitar.

Bro. I strongly suggest you watch it on youtube for free. I wouldn't pay more than 99 cents for this putrid pile of steaming crack stain. Each interview has about as much substance as a sack of chewed up sunflower seeds. So far I have learned that Angela Glassblower feels empowered while performing on stage, Slipknot #7 & #9 had a miserable upbringing in Iowa, and according to a leading musicologist, to create the heavy metal sound, you need big amps and a nice guitar.


HAHAHA!!! Awesome. I adhere to your words like scripture so I will indeed catch it on youtube or, better yet, have the guy I work with that lives for copying Netflix titles get it for me. The $ saved will buy me a bottle of Svedka. Should you and I ever be drinking in the same facility, consider yourself the recipient of a few complimentary beverages.

Off topic, I was in NJ last week and there was a building sporting a large RIA logo. I wanted to snap a photo to post here but my POS Treo would have none of it. Thus, I failed.
Actually one of the guitarist from Slipknot loves Old School Death Metal. They got Immolation to come through Des Moines around the time of Dawn of Possession, and he has a tattoo of one of the angels from the cover.
I just really enjoy watching shit that deals with the music I love. So, since I'm not really looking for something that will teach me anything, I think this sounds like a decent investment.

I agree, it's just that he prefaced the entire thing with his credentials as an anthropologist, got the $ budget to make something really insightful, and ended up doing an MTV "who's who" of metal and proceeded to spend 25% of the time on Slipknot.

I think he tried too hard trying to convert non-metal fans into metal, where really he should have focused on the fact that his core initial audience is going to be existing metal fans.

That is why the follow up is mandatory. He's covered the basics now, time to really dig beneath the surface and go underground. I just think he should have done that first time round. I really don't need to see him standing at the front line of a cannibal corpse show doing the windmill with his greasy hair.