Global Metal

No shit! I had no idea. Shows how out of touch I am. Are they 2 separate documentaries? I might have to pick these up!!:cool:
^ yea, i think you'd find very agreeable. I you haven't seen the 1st (a headbanger's journey) one you're missing out on the lashing that Gene Simmons receives from Dio :worship:
^ yea, i think you'd find very agreeable. I you haven't seen the 1st (a headbanger's journey) one you're missing out on the lashing that Gene Simmons receives from Dio :worship:

:lol: I wonder why...

I really liked A Headbanger's Journey, so I can't wait to see this one. But does Sam Dunn still use that awful genre chart from the first movie?
The first documentary was good, it went a little off topic in a few sections and didn't stick to the major question he raised at the beginning which was a relevant and interesting question. Nothing great, though the Mayhem interview is great though. It was decent enough to check out the follow up which I haven't yet bothered to dl.
I just finished watching it, and thought it was great. While the first one was entertaining, it didn't really tell me anything I didn't know already. But this one really showed different and interesting parts of the world that I don't know too much about, and specifically their metal scenes which I know nothing about.

Just wanted to say that maybe it's because I'm from here and my perspecive is hardly objective, but I think the whole "situation" here was a tad exaggerated. No, that's probably the wrong word. It was eccenuated. I wish he could have filmed, for example, a bit more of Tel Aviv, which is closer to what other western cities look and act like.
And also, it's not as if we constantly fear some terrorist act when we walk outside - I don't even remember the last time I thought about a suicide bomber when I was on a bus (but the fact that I have done it at some time may say something). But overall, I was fairly pleased with how Israeli metal was displayed. And it's true that quite a few of our bands are heavy as fuck.

And on another note, during the Dubai festival scene, there was a band coming on that had some shitty electronic intro, and as I was thinking "what the fuck", they showed Anders Friden come on stage...