Metal album of the year 2005

Damn people, no God Forbid or High on Fire? I actually thought it was a pretty decent year in music, nothing like last year though with Mastadon and Killswitch Engage albums, but still good.

1. God Forbid-Constitution of Treason
2. High on Fire-Blessed Black Wings
3. Black Dahlia Murder: Miamisa
4. Corrosion of Conformity: In the Arms of God
5. Strapping Young Lad: Alien
6. Children of Bodom: Are You Dead Yet?
7. Chimaira: S/T
8. Trivium: Ascendency
9. Soilwork: Stabbing the Drama
10. Life of Agony: Broken Valley

Honorable Mentions:
Roadrunner All Stars. Talk shit all you want, but an album with many good songs and original as hell.
Exodus: Shovel Headed Kill Machine. Liked it, but not grabbing me for some reason.
Soulfly: Dark Ages. Good, but too much filler during second half.

Also a good year in that I discovered At The Gates, Life of Agony, and Carcass this year and their Slaughter of the Soul, Heartwork, and River Runs Red albums deserve mad props.
Soad - Mesmerize/Hypnotize
Anthrax - Alive 2
Maiden - Death on the Road

I haven't had the chance to hear Bruce's latest solo effort but by all accounts its pretty darn good.
The best I have heard would have to be Judas Priest_AoR and Demons and Wizards_Touched by the Crimson King
Excuse me bro, but that little blip is an inside joke; a saying I've used for a while...It actually expresses on my part when something sucks, for I have a strong dislike for Dokken...

So, uh, keep your negative comments to yourself and stay on topic. If you have an opinion on my choice, then that would be interesting to debate...