metal blogs?


Cause à effet.
Apr 27, 2006
Montréal, Qc, Canada
Anyone know some good metal blogs where you can get good reviews, various information like news,etc?

This thread is a ressource for fellow UM users so please describe the content of each blog you submit. Don't be ashame to post your own if you own one!

I'll start with a thrash blog I often visit. There are reviews for albums old and new. There's also some old album you can download which are hard to find (see albums that are out of print, only on vinyl or on cassette type of thing).

Which one do you use use/visit?
"[The purpose of S-M Blog is to] disseminate information (new releases, reviews by us, and other slam/brutal death related propaganda) to a wide variety of persons interested not only in the guttural side of sickness, but also to convert and/or help others appreciate the complex, rich, and far-reaching world of BDM without bias."
I get 90% of my downloads from blogs. I'm not going to post them as they partake in illegal filesharing, clearly violating the code ov conduct.
Don't post blogs that link to downloadable shit please.

Edit: UNLESS it is out-of-print stuff which is freely available to share.
