Metal Church recent setlist

Manowar is still known as the loincloth band, 30 years since they stopped wearing them.

I will have to disagree with this. Sure, people know they did, but that certainly is not the only thing people think of in terms of Manowar. I'd say people think more of heavy, cheese to the extreme metal before that. Gwar on the other hand, that's the first thing people think of.
I will have to disagree with this. Sure, people know they did, but that certainly is not the only thing people think of in terms of Manowar. I'd say people think more of heavy, cheese to the extreme metal before that. Gwar on the other hand, that's the first thing people think of.

Well, wouldn't most people say wearing loincloths is extremely cheesy? fave is FIGHTING THE WORLD!!!

That's a good one too.
I really feel they found their stride with Kings of Metal though.

for the early ones, Hail to England is my fav.

I do need to revisit Battle Hymns, Into Glory Ride, and Sign of the Hammer, as I honestly havent heard those in easily 10 or more years.

Though overall it isnt very often I listen to Manowar in general.
Now that's something I can agree with!

I cant agree with them re-recording the album.
They are supposed to be doing shows performing that in its entirety.
It was recorded in Chicago, and when they recorded it, they did like a week long stint at the Cubby Bear.

Though, since they seem to forget that they started as an American band, they probably won't perform this show in the States.

Did anyone actually purchase their last one?
Is it actually sold anywhere?
Pretty sure you can only really get it at their site.

Gotcha, I remember there was an inital press that came with Metal Hammer.
Then it got a proper issue but I never saw it for sale anywhere retail or online.

Can't say I looked to hard for it. I remember sampling a little of it on YouTUBE and it didnt exactly make me want to seek it out.