Metal clip 5150 and DFH


New Metal Member
Sep 28, 2006
This is my first time posting a track on this forum and I'm pretty much a n00b as far as recording goes anyway. But basically my band recorded this in my bedroom and office with a budget of $0 so people could hear our new singer. we're thinking about doing one more track like this and then droppin some dough on a nice good recording. BUT thats beside the point. Basically I was lookin for tips on the next recording techniques and such if you hear anything and can help me out it'd be great! and feel free to ask any questions.

Link: Only Cure.mp3

Check out my band's myspace
I think it sounds pretty good already. It's missing some low end on the guitars IMO and the bass should be louder... And more low end to the drums also.. Low end to everything :) .. The playing is great and vocals also..
sounds good - except the snare sounds tooooooo thin
but sits good in the mix
It does lack low end and the snare is thin and dry. Guitars sound very nice, what cab and mic are you using?
Cab is The Almighty Guitar Cab from w/ vintage 30's and sm57 Sneap style. The tubes in my 5150 are a little old, and the low end was a little outta control on the guitars, but I did just get my OD-9 from musician's friend finally (it was on backorder for more than a month, then took forever for them to ship because they're moving their warehouse) so hopefully that'll help keep it in line for the next time around.

sounds good - except the snare sounds tooooooo thin
but sits good in the mix
this was my first full song using DFH and I noticed someone mentioned in another thread turning the top snare mic all the way down and only having the bottom mic on, would boosting the bottom mic and lowering the top mic help a bit? I like the crack but agree some body would help.
this was my first full song using DFH and I noticed someone mentioned in another thread turning the top snare mic all the way down and only having the bottom mic on, would boosting the bottom mic and lowering the top mic help a bit? I like the crack but agree some body would help.

Who the hell suggested that? o_O

Only using the bottom snare mic is going to sound like shit! I have mine a few db under my top snare mic.
Hahah No I know that'll sound like crap, but if I did it just a little bit. I'm at work right now so I can't check, but I believe I just left them both at the default level which is about even. I was just asking if I cut a little bit on the top mic and boosted the bottom a little if that would help.