Metal drumming


May 16, 2004
Is it just me, or does alot of metal drumming (especially dm/bm) get really boring sometimes. I mean sure, it may be amazingly fast at 3000 BPM, but constant blast beats (ESPECIALLY constant double bass work at full speed) gets VERY irritating, not to mention uninteresting, and relegates drums to a mere 'keep the beat' role... very lame IMO. On the flipside of things, I absolutely love the drumwork on say... Gorguts' Obscura and pretty much every Atheist album. In general, I think jazz influenced drumming is the best. What do you people think?
I think that the ones of the best and INTERESTING drummers are in Lamb Of God, Meshuggah, As I Lay Dying, Death, DreamTheatre, Neil.
Double bass and speed is great - but its not enough... Drumming should be interesting to listen also. Should give drive. AILD and Lamb Of God drummers are especially good in making those special drumming "design", "picture". In Lamb Of God I like how the drummer pays attention to hat in special moments... Meshuggah and Dellinger Escape Plan are just amazing by creating this math-metal stuff... I dream to do the same someday...
I agree... I think that's why I'm so amazed by the drumming in bands like Primordial and Dead Can Dance now. Because it's so much more dynamic than what I grew used to.
Most drumming is not good in the sense that it only displays excellent speed and endurance, and rarely technicality or creativity. Some types of metal are more restrictive to drumming clearly, and it's tougher to add nuances or play technical fills at high speeds. I've been listening to Kenose a lot lately, and the drumming is a ton better that than on SMRC because the change in style allows for it. So many bands just don't have room for interesting drumming in their music.
I like blastbeats but it can get repetitive. In my opinion is third in importance to guitars and vocals, but it still should be interesting.

Some things I dislike about metal drumming is when the snare is too loud or the drumming sounds like clicking. I like it when it's a thud, even if it is just constant under the guitar.

My favorite thing drummers do is play really fast right after a slow or stopped part, or starting blasting during the breakdown. The speed contrast really makes it sound good.
V.V.V.V.V. said:
I find it funny how in a lot of modern metal, double bass is a necessity even at slower tempos...

For example, in Nile, anytime they have a slow part, the double bass is almost always playing 128th notes behind it. Rather than think of an interesting phrase for slow parts, they just rely on that dense wall of double bass.
Susperia said:
I agree... I think that's why I'm so amazed by the drumming in bands like Primordial and Dead Can Dance now. Because it's so much more dynamic than what I grew used to.

Agreed. The adoption of folk/traditional persussive instruments on their latter stuff is very interesting.

Original topic: agreed. I find those bands that mix and match probably most interesting - hence ultra speed blast-o-rama grindcore is pretty boring, while say Nile, with multiple speeds have great drum parts.

My fave drummer of all time is Ken Owen, mind you. He may not have been super technical, but he did have an amazing knack of providing memorable drum patterns.
I like it when the drummers don't try to be interesting. It detracts from the guitar(which is the point of the music, next to the vocals). Drums are just "there" to me most of the time.
GarinStone said:
It detracts from the guitar(which is the point of the music, next to the vocals). Drums are just "there" to me most of the time.

ppffffff... There is no musical instrument that was made for background... And its not right to say that vocal or guitar is the main. If those 2 things are first what you devote your attention to, listening to music - it absolutly doesnt mean they are the main. But I have to admit that really many ppl first "look" exactly at guitar and vocal. The other reason why you take drums as they "are just "there"" - is that drums - its not melodic instrument...
Hate Eternal, and Krisiun =



Think back to when you were younger.

Now imagine some kid with ADD that forgot to take his ritalin tapping the pencil on the desk after he snorted something up his nose. At the same time you're trying to do a math problem the teacher showed you a dozen times and you still do not have a fraction of an idea about it, it's equivalent to magic which is probably not real. You start daydreaming fantasizing about the only hot younger teacher in your entire school that is a complete bitch in the most erotic way on earth. You just want to do something wrong so she comes up to you being aggressive and sassy, and you eventually get her attention. She's right there and her tits are just about touching your face.

You get your math paper back the next day and the grade is 40%, ontop now something is wrong with you because you don't do work. You are some depressed anti-social kid, but really school is making you that way.