Metal drumming

MasterOLightning said:

Anyway, you are wrong, sorry. Maybe you'll understand Burzum when you're older.

When people younger than me call me sonny I get confused.

The answer to your what is: its a song on the mantle. it kicks ass.
someone with the will and love of science should figure out exactly how many posts it takes before gmd threads start to turn in circles
GarinStone said:
Stuff that requires skill to play, you know, the opposite of Burzum. (Couldn't miss a chance to insult Burzum.) I like bands like Necrophagist(who have the typical drumming), Death(Nothing typical about Human's drumming), I suppose the word for that type of music is "technical" metal.

To the person who hates Bodom(which appears to be all of you): Follow the Reaper has excellent guitar work. Perhaps you just hate melody, but you shouldn't really take that out on CoB now.

Thats awesome, putting a song together is always great(even if it sucks).

theres more to metal than being able to "shred it up duder!!!11"
Definately some metal drumming gets very boring, just blistering double kick stuff an insane fills while are quite cool do get mundane. Being a drummer myself a dream of the day i may be able to drum like some of these guys do but definately there are some very interesting drummers out there, Mike Portnoy of DT and Liquid tension... is one; i think Lamb of god was mentioned, also messugah and stargazer are all drmmers of bands who mix it up a bit.
Krigloch the Furious said:
theres more to metal than being able to "shred it up duder!!!11"
Definitely. I actually prefer simpler music over technical music.
Impudent said:
Definitely. I actually prefer simpler music over technical music.

I don't. At all. Unless Kevin Gilbert counts. To call Kevin Gilbert simple results in being stoned to death.
I have a question: when you count BPM for double bass, is that the same as a single stroke roll?

For instance, if you have 1000 single strokes/minute, would that be the same as 2000 BPM?
Impudent said:
Definitely. I actually prefer simpler music over technical music.

Usually, so do I. Technical ability can't hide the inability to write a song over an exercise in utter wankery.

By the way, is this thread sponsored by national ego week? There's a lot of people with inflated opinions of self worth at work currently!

(Note: Self included.)
I love fast drumming, because im a drummer and i marvel at their skill. Take a leaf from the drummer fro dragonforce... uses double bass drums, but not constantly, and still achieves blinding speed.
pinkandfluffy said:
I love fast drumming, because im a drummer and i marvel at their skill. Take a leaf from the drummer fro dragonforce... uses double bass drums, but not constantly, and still achieves blinding speed.

He used to drum for Bal-Sagoth, fact fans. Obviously he's an adherent of going from the sublime to the ridiculous?:lol:
Dodens Grav said:
GarinStone will return to GMD 3 years from now and laugh at his ignorance in fond rememberance of old times.

No. But you might laugh at your ignorance.

Carcassian - at what point was I talking about wankery? You think technical skill can't be involved when you write a song? Then you're an idiot.