Metal drumming

I don't think bass is as important as guitars or drums in metal, but it is still important and underutilized, and is not a "stupid instrument." The bass can really add to the song if used correctly.

How did a thread about metal drumming become a thread about metal bass?
V.V.V.V.V. said:
I find it funny how in a lot of modern metal, double bass is a necessity even at slower tempos...

Yeah or even blasting or acoustic/clean passages. Whenever that happens I turn my head immediately think WTF? However sometimes it works I think others it fails miserable, I think it largely depends on the overall skill of the band.
Bass is very important if your a good bass player and you approach playing the bass with a little creativity... Iron Maiden, Rush and Dream Theater are good examples of bass players who make the music much more interesting... Speedi s important in metal drumming but it is certainly not everything, and people who rely soley on their doube bass work and blast beats tend to get a bit boring...

And to each their own and all that good stuff but I always have to laugh when people actually take Burzum seriously, and have the gall to say they are light years ahead of ANYONE in songwriting ability
Songwriting: "writing the music and words of songs; also written song writing, song-writing"

If you don't like a song it's because you don't like it. That person or band does not have bad or good songwriting, they write songs like everyone else who writes songs.

You make sense, The Greys. That said, if I don't like how a band writes songs, it makes a lot of sense to call that "bad songwriting." Why not?
Carcassian said:
Agreed. The adoption of folk/traditional persussive instruments on their latter stuff is very interesting.

Original topic: agreed. I find those bands that mix and match probably most interesting - hence ultra speed blast-o-rama grindcore is pretty boring, while say Nile, with multiple speeds have great drum parts.

My fave drummer of all time is Ken Owen, mind you. He may not have been super technical, but he did have an amazing knack of providing memorable drum patterns.

grindcore never gets boring cause the songs are so short.
Dodens Grav said:
I find the vast majority of Grindcore boring for that very reason. There is no room to develop any ideas, which makes the experience very boring.
I've always thought the same thing, though occasionally you'll get some good riffs in there.