METAL EDGE and METAL MANIAC'S close their doors


The Nightmare Has Begun..
Sad to say, but I got a note from my ad rep with this confirming what we feared....

"At this time, I am no longer working at Metal Edge magazine. Metal Edge is on indefinite hiatus for now. I really enjoyed working with everyone over the past year and I want to thank you for your support of Metal Edge. The very first time I purchased a copy of Metal Edge was back in July 1987. After reading that issue, I signed up for a 2 year subscription so I could keep up to date with all the metal news. Who would have thought that I would have the pleasure of working for my favorite music magazine 21 years later? This magazine was a standard institution to so many of us in the metal community.

Always Rocking!


John McDonald
Account Manager
METAL EDGE Magazine"