Metal fans geeks?!

Priest of Evil said:
In many ways forums and email have replaced the traditional telephone call catchup, instead of ringing your mates and saying "hey how bout that new album, or how about last nights show" you get online and do it, maybe you're at work, or shopping online inbetween browsing forums...

Good point.

And as far as the Geek thing...I think there really are levels of geek-dom (word?) Some dudes just get way more obsessed with their favorite band of bands and they let it consume all their life and sleep. I thing those types of people could be considered your hard-core, Revenge Of The Nerds-type geeks who are just a little difficult to be around.

Then there are the rest of us who have a true passion for their love of music and while it is on our minds a lot, there are a lot of other subjects and interests that we have in our lives. We don't focus all our energy on one thing so it won't kill us when that one thing goes in the toliet (maybe...?)

That said, I wouldn't be afraid to call myself a geek, just more of a minor, low level one. So I would agree slightly with the original post.
As I see it, (could be wrong) most of the metal militia nowadays consist of either geeks bikers , mucisians, regular fans or bums.

I never considered myself a geek cause I am athletic and I don't wear glasses, but then I think about it, hmmm...

I used to read comics, played videogames, collected action figures had comic shirts talked about who was better venom or carnage.

I guess I have some geekyness, look at my freakin avatar, I have a keeper of secrets for crying out loud!

I used to do all that, now it is more soccer martial arts and architecture, I have to say though, the ladies are liking the new me alot more than my old self.
Platinum Maze said:
I have no problem admitting that I'm a metal or music "geek". The problem I have with that post is that I was not a nerd, and I didn't look to metal because I was sick of being the geek in the playground. Metal geek is fine. Geek (dork or nerd), on it's own, doesn't describe every metalhead.

I'm not into Lord of the Rings AT ALL. What bands have taken their name from there?
A few black metal ones such as Satyricon, and Varg's pen name Count Grishnackh
Satyricon is not taken from LOTR! Grishnackh is though as is Burzum (darkness on black speech) Amon Amarath (mount doom) Shagrath (Orc in book 5?) Minas Tirith (For fucks sake it's the capitol of Gondor), Minas Morgul and Morgul (Thower of wizzardry and wizzardry) Morgoth and Unholy Morgoth.... do i acctually have to list more of 'em?