Metal Festivals

Good stuff! I was surprised to see metal fests in Morrocco, Algeria and Tunisia. Does anyone know more about these fests?
damn, my goal in life is to attend a Scandanavian metal festival. (we will include "Germany" in Scandanavia for this wish... ooo Wacken :) )

But as for proximity, Minneapolis Mayhem looks sweet!! Steel Attack, Gaia Epicus, Division!!! worth it right there and the roster isn't even filled up!!! (and it's on the weekend of my birthday, kick ass!)

I hope freakin' SwordLord can eventually conjur up a "Midwest Metalfest", that man is awesome and will do great things for the world of Metal.
Only reason I would go to Maryland Deathfest... is for Anata. Most of the groups on there are unknown to me, and perhaps if I listen to them all I might find others. But Anata, is one of the -best- death metal groups out there.
Wayniac said:
I'll be at 2 of them in the next few weeks - one in Sweden and 1 in Norway! Should be fun !@!!
Cool! Who ya seeing? I got one in Sweden and one in Finland in June. :rock: