Vaccine Passports required for ProgPower USA?

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franks n steins
Nov 6, 2013
As of today, April 20, 2021, the percentage of people who have had the Covid-19 vaccine in the USA is about 25%.


This question is for anyone who has some insight into where things are going in regards to indoor music events, and more specifically to our favorite event, ProgPower USA.

Will there be, or do you foresee that vaccine passports will be required to attend future ProgPower USA festivals?
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PPUSA Day 2 promotor Milton states: "I will be answering this officially as Glenn is out of the country. ProgPower USA will follow all state and local ordinances as well as whatever the industry standard becomes in the future."
I'm not a scientist, and I don't play one on TV. Not sure what to make of this, but here it is...

COVID-19 RNA Based Vaccines and the Risk of Prion Disease

"The folding of TDP-43 and FUS into their pathologic prion confirmations is known to cause ALS, front temporal lobar degeneration, Alzheimer’s disease and other neurological degenerative diseases. The enclosed finding as well as additional potential risks leads the author to believe that regulatory approval of the RNA based vaccines for SARS-CoV-2 was premature and that the vaccine may cause much more harm than benefit."


Fact check: COVID-19 vaccine not associated with neurodegenerative disease
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Live Nation to require vaccines for concertgoers ‘everywhere possible’

So lets see. You get the vaccine, and it won't stop you from getting covid. If you've had the vaccine, and you have covid, you can still give it to others. But somehow everyone is going to be safe from covid if the unvaccinated are not allowed in?

And what about those who already had covid and now have natural immunity? Studies have shown natural immunity is many many times more effective than the vaccine. Is natural immunity no longer of any value?

Natural infection vs vaccination: Which gives more protection?
Johns Hopkins Professor Says COVID Infection Provides More Immunity Than Vaccines

Why should young people get the vaccine? Of all covid deaths, those under 24 comprise less than .003% of the total. CDC's own numbers. Do the math yourself:

CDC: Provisional COVID-19 Deaths by Sex and Age

Scotty, beam me up. This planet is insane.
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You already read that the vaccines significantly reduce symptoms and the risk of death. It's not just about not catching it, it's more about not having the deaths of even a few unvaccinated people on their hands, tarnishing their reputation or maybe leading to families suing the promoters. You also read that the vaccine reduces the spread by reducing infected people's viral load (at least when compared to unvaccinated people with the same strain). If you're silly enough not to trust the growing evidence, that's your choice. I made the comparison to bars that won't let you in if you're not dressed well enough. They have a choice too. Either meet the rules of the time or don't go.

The death rate in practice isn't a fixed statistic. Keeping it low depends on hospitals not being overrun, doctors and nurses working their asses off around the clock etc. If a bunch of concerts go ahead freely and half the attendees are unvaccinated and all catch the virus, far more help's gonna be needed for them than if they'd been vaccinated.

I agree that people who've already had COVID should get a pass. In some countries/situations they already do.
My thoughts are that it should be the individual's choice. No one knows if the vaccine is safe for the long term. Indeed there is growing evidence that they are not. Auto-immune issues, heart inflammation (myocarditis, pericarditis), clotting problems, prion diseases (parkinson's gillian-barre), reproductive issues are a few of the problems that have already happened. These are problems that could well advance as time goes by and could later emerge in people who are not yet showing symptoms of some of these problems. If I am unvaccinated and asymptomatic, then what difference does it make? Unvaccinated is not the same as infected, and there is no proof is asymptomatic transmission.

In addition, there is evidence that ivermectin, if taken as a prophylactic, is effective from keeping people from catching covid. If taken early enough also shortens and lessens the effects of covid. Other parts of the world, who don't have access to the vax, are using it successfully to keep their covid rate low. If there is no virus mandate for PPUSA, then before the festival I plan on starting an ivermectin regimen according to the IMASK+ protocol. It will keep me from getting covid better than the vaccines. What would be the problem with that?

Don't say its just an anti-parasitic, because it also has anti-viral properties. Don't say its off label, because one third of all medications prescribed by doctors are for off label use. Don't say ivermectin isn't effective as it takes very little time to search the internet to disprove that notion. It is effective, and its helping people throughout the world. I had a friend and his daughter both take it, and it worked for them so I've seen it work up close.

So, given all this, why require the vax?
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Asymptomatic transmission turned out to be a lot more unlikely than first thought, but it's still proven by plenty of studies, including pre-symptomatic transmission up to about 6 hours before people notice they're ill according to this. Add to that the fact the Delta variant spreads much more easily than the ones that were studied. Plus, I wouldn't trust people with mild symptoms not to go to a concert they've paid for.

Try to think from the concert promoter's view. Why shouldn't they get a choice too? I do think requiring the vaccine should only be a temporary measure and there'll be a point where things return to relative normality. When concerts are held both with and without the requirement, instead of arguing about what might happen we could just wait and see, assuming anyone bothers reporting on it.
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Asymptomatic transmission turned out to be a lot more unlikely than first thought, but it's still proven by plenty of studies, including pre-symptomatic transmission up to about 6 hours before people notice they're ill according to this. Add to that the fact the Delta variant spreads much more easily than the ones that were studied. Plus, I wouldn't trust people with mild symptoms not to go to a concert they've paid for.

Try to think from the concert promoter's view. Why shouldn't they get a choice too? I do think requiring the vaccine should only be a temporary measure and there'll be a point where things return to relative normality. When concerts are held both with and without the requirement, instead of arguing about what might happen we could just wait and see, assuming anyone bothers reporting on it.

I hope it does return to normal. I purchased my Progpower USA tickets before covid came to our shores here in the USA. I'll sell my ticket before I take the vaccine. If no one will buy it, then it will be my loss. Come to think of it, it would be my loss anyway as our festival has become part of my life as it has others. What a mess.
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If you bought a ticket and then they change the terms & conditions it should be your right to get a refund. It'd be kinda crazy if it was easier to get a fake vaccination pass than to do the honest thing and get a refund.
If you bought a ticket and then they change the terms & conditions it should be your right to get a refund. It'd be kinda crazy if it was easier to get a fake vaccination pass than to do the honest thing and get a refund.

The thing about fake vaccine passes, just so people know.. It is a federal crime to use fake documents with an official federal seal on them. You can get in pretty big trouble, and some have.
I hope it does return to normal. I purchased my Progpower USA tickets before covid came to our shores here in the USA. I'll sell my ticket before I take the vaccine. If no one will buy it, then it will be my loss. Come to think of it, it would be my loss anyway as our festival has become part of my life as it has others. What a mess.

I am sad that you're such a moron :(
I am sad that you're such a moron :(

Hey man. Can't fix stupid. You know? Well, maybe you don't.
And I applaud your pointed ad hominum attack. Very convincing.
Looking at the bright side, if you are correct then when this is over humanity will have been rid of a whole lot of morons, thus improving the gene pool.

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A decision will be made on the show closer to the date based on multiple factors including current infection data, local regulations, and industry standards.

Norse- I respect everyone's personal decision in regards to vaccine even if I don't agree with you. That said, I will not tolerate any further anti-vaccine posts in this forum. Stick to the music. If that is an issue, then I would suggest selling your tickets now.

No other personal attacks will be tolerated as well.

For those wondering, I am 100% pro-vaccine and believe in science, not politics or views generated by such.
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