"Metal Foundry" or "Steven Slate EX"?


Apr 19, 2010

I've dealt with a few different VSTi Drums, Addictive and Superior mainly. I've really been diving into Superior a lot lately. I've gotten close to getting a better sound out of it, but no matter what I do, it seems as though something is missing. I know a couple people who use Slate, and love it. And from what Ive heard, i really dig it as well, so I'm very interested in it, but wish there was a free trial i could test out. Since there's not, I'm debating between getting The Metal Foundry Expansion for Superior, or trying out Steven Slate's EX version.

My concerns are as follows: Im honestly, kind of concerned that all this time that I have invested into mixing drums as a whole and separately, will kind of get thrown away, because I keep hearing how Slate is kind of a "finished" product. And also, Metal Foundry will also just add on to my previous purchased software, which is a plus for that side of my decision. I really would like to know some HONEST opinions (because it being on a Slate forum, I'm sure there is some serious bias lol) about this debate I am having.

I usually would post something like this on a neutral forum, but here's some info I was also hoping to gather, which is why I chose to go here...

I see what kits that the EX comes with, but with me never using any Slate software, it means absolutely nothing to me. Does anyone have some GUI screenshots of the layout? With Superior, the cymbal placement is pretty much locked into place, which isn't my particular preferred placement on some items. I think MF Expansion would help with that, but was also wondering how Slates placement was, and freedom of change in that (Without losing the purity of the sound by digitally changing panning away from the mic'd system)

I just really hope to gather some more details specs and info on the differences, and how well the EX version of Slate is (because I cannot afford Platinum, and probably won't use more than half of the kits in that version)

Thanks in advance,
Are you looking for a product that gives you raw sounds that you can mould yourself, or finished sounds aimed at songwriters? If the former... Metal Foundry, Avatar, BFD2 and its range of expansion packs. If the later... then Slate's kits or EZ Drummer.
thats what im hearing... im recording a band this month, it will be my first paid project. everything else were demos, or just stuff for myself. And im thinking maybe Slate would be the best route to go for the short run, unless i fall in love. Its only $99 for the EX version.

heres what i have so far, as far as my drums go. Any critique you want to give will be appreciated. But moreso, just a clip so you maybe can direct me to change to Slates EX for now, or go ahead with Metal Foundry

I am having problems with the metalfoundry. the snares seems really small and it all feels like it lack impact. slate though are really huge with impact and sustain i cant get from sd. though all the slates drums sound kibda the same. not enough difference between them. i dont suggest buying the big library. all the kits are much alike
welll is metal foundry to me... but using an avatar snare

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I think, working with raw samples allows you to create more individual sound (SD2). Working with finished sounds allows you to create sound fast (SSD).
I prefer the first option. And I don't like the sound I get with Slate. For now. Maybe later I will get used to them too.
welll is metal foundry to me... but using an avatar snare

Holy smoke! Is that a preset-like mix in Metal Foundry or heaviely processed afterwards in your DAW? Sounds great, any chance of posting the preset anyways?
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Holy smoke! Is that a preset-like mix in Metal Foundry or heaviely processed afterwards in your DAW? Sounds great, any chance of posting the preset anyways?

Well is the lekteri preset with the avatar snare black beauty and the bodys sent toa bus, compresed a little. the OH and Room sent to another buss and a parallel compresion buss(bodys + rooms) all mix together.

wich daw are you using

Here is the preset... credits for Lekteri for sharing the best preset ever
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/17552485/The Metal Foundry Liquorworks - Ludwig Black beauty II.s20
Metal Foundry for the user friendly interface and AMAZING cymbal/tom/rooms.
Later on, try to invest in Slate Trigger for the best of both worlds. :)
Listen to samples and decide for yourself. A lot of us prefer both, as it opens up your options much more when it comes to blending both together. Both of them have their good/bad things about them.

Here: http://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/equipment/658077-lots-lots-drum-software-examples.html
Go listen and buy what sounds good to you. lol

Wow, somehow I missed this thread when it was fresh. Easily the most useful link i've come across today!
Thanks for pointing it out!