Metal from Luxembourg?


Metal Hippy
Nov 13, 2003
Hey guys! I'm new to the forums; it's nice to be here. I was wondering if my fellow metalheads might be able to help me out with a project for my french class. I have to do a project about Luxembourg, and I've decided i would try to do my project on any and all metal bands I could find from that country. Unfortunately I'm having trouble finding any bands from there. That's where you guys come in. If anyone knows any good bands I'd sure like to hear about them. Any type of metal is alright for the project, but the more popular the band the better, obviously so there will be a lot to write about. So just let me know if you know of any good bands from the country! Thanks.
Desdemonia, Ophidian, Pagan Lorn, Stormthrone of Dripping Blood, Wanterkraaft

And I find it funny that people think Profanity knows stuff. :lol:
You guys are awesome. I should be able to find some info on those bands. If anyone knows more about the metal scene in Luxembourg let me know. Thanks for helping... I guarantee I'll be the first person at my school to do a report on the metal bands from another country. :D