Metal Game

Eh... Snapcase

@Psychonaut - yes, I was talking about the Michigan-based band Summer Dying! Glad you know of them - I think they're a great band! My friends supported them on a mini tour earlier this year and got to know them real well, so I've been immersed into the Summer Dying pool for ever since! HAHA! It's like an addiction, really... :p

@union9 - Yes Deja Vu occurs often in this thread as I've seen it myself too... it's hard to not repeat bands, but it's not bad since different people might answer the opposite as the first and bring the game to a whole different place :]

Mortification or Tourniquet??

LowBrow is a new band with SFU guitarist and other famous musicians.. The style is a bit like SFU, but I think they rock a bit more...

Aurora Borealis or Aurora?