Metal Gear Solid Twin Snakes


Vampire Killer
Mar 28, 2004
Anyone got this game? i got it the other day and its quite good, the original was great and im glad to see it remade with a couple of new additions, i'm not very far into it but i reckon i know how the plot goes considering i finished the original a few years back, plus i've concluded Snake is the coolest games character ever lol :D
wow not many Gamecube owners then? can't say im surprised really, hasn't done as well in the UK and Europe as it has everywhere else
well i've just got up to where you fight Psycho Mantis and i'm pretty impressed with it so far, it is pretty much the same as the original but with far better graphics and it has a couple of extra moves from MGS2 like the running dive and the big spin kick, as for it being worth it i'd say it is if you liked the original then you'll love this since it just improves on it in every way, the Gamecube pad is a bit awkward for it tho, by the way is The Suffering any good? i've had my eye on it for a while but its not out in the UK til May i think.
I played and finished MGS2:sons of libirty on PS2. Is twin snakes really so much different for it to be worth buying?It was a good game, weird story line but was good to play.
The Twin Snakes (Metal Gear Solid, in other words) has a much better storyline, it's not so way over the top as in Sons Of Liberty (though looking back at it, it was pretty nice too). Besides, I'd play with Snake rather than Raiden any day.

I've just played The Twin Snakes a little bit at my cousin, think I'll go there today too and play some more...the added cinematics were pretty cool and of course all the stuff from Sons Of Liberty that's been taken back to The Twin Snakes makes the playing experience better.
That first boss fight with Ocelot...the cinematics with Grey Fox after that are just fucking amazing. Makes the fighting look like ballet (done right).
Twin Snakes so far has been very good, its rather different to the original in some aspects like being able do things from Sons of Liberty but the same in others, so far the areas have been exactly the same only of course with kick arse graphics, but i'm not really too far into it so i can't say the whole game is exactly the same, many of the cut-scenes are different and there seems to be an addition of matrix-like cinematics with bullet dodging and slow-mo martial arts and stuff (only in the cut-scenes mind you), its generally harder than the original too, i've had a couple of control issues tho which i've found to be the only thing really 'wrong' with it, its strange playing it with a gamecube pad so when i want to run and dive i press the wrong button and fire my gun alerting the bloody army that runs in from nowhere :d
"Besides, I'd play with Snake rather than Raiden any day."

Yeah, Snake's far better. Nearly everything he says makes me laugh cos of that cheesy (but very cool) voice.
The Suffering is pretty good. Kinda like Max Payne crossed with a more properly realized Evil Dead: A Fistful of Boomstick. You can play it as a FPS too, if you prefer. There's entirely too much swearing in it though, like a lot of tough guy inmates saying "Motherfucker, don't wanna fuck with this!" when they're getting attacked by little guys with needle sticking out of their eyes. Oh, and did I mention that some of the enemy models are cool as shit. Especially the Slayers.
haha, it sounds great, i've been waiting quite patiently for it. it comes out May 14th over 'ere which i think is also the same day Ninja Gaiden is out, two games i've been waiting for for a while and they come out on the same day. Its money saving time lol.
Cerulean i'd love to, however it seems my bass playing services may be exclusive to a certain group in the not too distant future. (at least i hope so anyway i've only been playing for about 14 months so i'm not really the best bass player...yet lol.)
No matter what anyone tells you, Ninja Gaiden is not THAT hard. There are a lot of pussies returning it over here because they can't get past the second chapter. I finished the game in a few days and I'm like a total drunk.
right then people lets put metal gear solid to bed ehh, lets not forget that the best stealth like espionarge game on the planet is splinter cell!!!!,
ohh by the way, anyone got pandora tomorrow????
what do yers think ehh?!