Metal Gear Solid Twin Snakes

as much as i love Splinter Cell Metal Gear Solid paved the way for it, i think it was Solid Snake that was the first espionage game EVER back in the 80s. in all honesty i found Pandora Tomorrow a bit too easy, the first one was longer AND harder in my opinion. I mean Pandora Tomorrow starts off hard but it maintains the same difficulty throughout and after a while you just get used to it and i found it really short, i was stuck on one part on it and i was shocked to find out it was the last part of the last level when i done it. However Splinter Cell does have an advantage in the stealth side of things over MGS, i love hiding in the shadows and landing silently and stuff whereas Snake walks around with his rocket will hear that...:p
i hear that Ninja Gaiden is being watered down violence-wise over 'ere in Europe, some of the more grisly deaths on it are being removed from it. Strange that they censor Gaiden yet a game like Manhunt gets on the shelves no probs.
i've never actually played Manhunt before, i might get it soon so i can judge it for myself and see if it lives up to its 'hype' if you like.
Splinter Cell: I didn't like the first one. I played it for about an hour and literally fell asleep. I awoke a few hours later and traded it in. I have no intention of buying the new one. Sam Fisher is a pansy. Snake all the fucking way!

Ninja Gaiden: They'll probably only cut out the in-game decapitations, which are nothing really as dead characters fade off the screen in a matter of a second or two, and it all happens so fast thay you really don't even care. It would be a shame if they censored the decapitations in the cut scenes though, as those are works of art, and integral to the story. They'll probably cut out the nunchucks (spelling?), as it seems places like England don't take kindly to their image. Like the nunchucks replaced with a stick in the Mark of the Dragon poster and Michalangelo from TMNT having his nunchucks replaced with some stupid grappling hook, which even effected the old animated series over here. The nunchucks in the game are totally useless anyway, unless going for a massive combo since they are so weak. There is another comparable, and better weapon anyway.

Manhunt: Rent it first. I got bored a few hours in and never completed it. One of my friends says it gets a lot better towards the end, but I'm too busy with Knights of the Old Republic and Morrowind to really care.

I think I might go pick up that new Metal Gear tonight. I mean, staying home on a friday night to play video games and watch Touching Evil is pretty sad, but at least it will save me money.

Buying a video game = saving LOTS of money compared to going out on a friday

Well I went and bought Metal Gear (haven't played it yet), and of course I ran into my friends at Best Buy and wound up going out anyway, so there goes my plan to save money.

Video game + drinking = I'm broke

Anyway, at Best Buy I got fucking carded buying the game. I'm 26 years old, for the sake of fuck! Curse these impecible, boyish, good looks! I've never been carded buying a fuvking video game before. I was like "What the fuck!?!?" and the clerk was all "It's rated M for mature" and I was like "Do I fucking look like I'm under 17, goddamn you!?". Shit!
Knights of the Old Republic is damn amazing, i've been meaning to borrow it off my friend again and finish it with a Dark Side character since i've already done it with a Light Side. In our local HMV i was denied the Alien Quardrilogy, a series of films i've watched since i was a little'un, plus i've been served there a million times when i was under 18 and now that i am 18 i get denied. bastards, i was older than the git serving me too. Oh by the way enjoy Metal Gear i got the Meryl ending on it last night i'm gonna have to get the Otacon one sometime.
i was pleasantly surprised by Splinter Cell cos my immediate thought was that it would be an MGS rip-off being a stealth 'em up and stuff but its completely different. Splinter Cell aims at realism whereas MGS is just off somewhere lol, i remember after i finished Sons of Liberty i was like "wow...that was the weirdest and most complicated game ever." (plot-wise)