Metal Head on A&E?

Johnny T.

Feb 21, 2003
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Hey, I was watching The First 48 Hours on A&E. The show is about the first 48 hours in murder cases and how most evidence and leads are gathered in that time frame.

The one I saw was in Pheonix about a guy who had been killed at an ice skating/hockey rink. Seemed like a pretty cool show to kinda doze off to in the middle of the night, when low and behold, I open my eyes in between nod offs, and I see a metal head. Long blonde hair with a black shirt and a Mjolnir charm. I think he was working in the morgue.

I dunno, seemed pretty funny. It wasn't any of you dudes in Vehemence, was it?
Yeah Jody is a good buddy of ours. Hangs out with Evil Dave's crew. He picks up the dead. Before the Cannibal Show at the Jar a while back, I ran into him at the QT (gas station/711 type store) and he said he had 3 dead bodies in his van at the momment, I asked if I could see them, but no I left to the show, and he came to the show after he put them away.
"I guess a mortician now equals a metalhead...somehow that doesn't make any sense hahahaha...whatever "

"Long blonde hair with a black shirt and a Mjolnir charm."

Notice: Mjolnir charm.

Kind of sticks out as a sign of liking metal.

Learn to read.
Johnny T. said:
"I guess a mortician now equals a metalhead...somehow that doesn't make any sense hahahaha...whatever "

"Long blonde hair with a black shirt and a Mjolnir charm."

Notice: Mjolnir charm.

Kind of sticks out as a sign of liking metal.

Learn to read.
Definitely no need to be a dick about it...however, any Jo-Schmo can wear a fucking Mjolnir charm, and that doesn't mean that person is a "Metalhead" per say. He could just really fucking love Norse Mythology. Just trying to open your eyes a little bit, because in this day and age you have to be a bit more specific when making statements like that. I am a Scandinavian Studies major, so I see your comparison, but be cautious when making random assumptions like that cause they sound retarded.
First of all...

My apologies for being a dick. It was un-called for.

I just got irritated that you figured I was some shit head running around thinking anything that deals with death or doom or the color black has to deal with metal.

I totally agree anyone can wear any charm they please... I think though, if you had seen this guy you would have agreed he was into metal. Let's face it... People that are into metal have a general look. That doesn't mean that everyone who likes metal has this look, or that everyone who has this look is into metal (or good metal). It was a generalization I made but I don't feel it was a negative or "retarded" one.

Furthermore, my post was more of a question than a statement. I didn't mean to come off as "i saw a d00d in a morgue with the dead people oh he was so metal". It was more a question for Vehemence, seeing as they live in the area, if they knew this guy. As it appears, they might.