"Metal Horn" Sign Abuse and the Punishment Due

Noble Viking

Aka Herman Li
May 16, 2005
Los Angeles, CA
Do people piss you off when they misuse the "Goat Horns"? \m/ Well, the Supreme Metal Council is apparently unhappy about the trend of misusing the horn symbol for other non-metal related activities... Here's one offender in this case....


Read about it here --> http://www.theonion.com/content/node/42365&rss=1
I just googled "Supreme Metal Council" and all that came up was that article I posted up there ^....I'm doubting if there is such a council, but how would someone explain that picture? I'm pretty sure that is Geezer Butler from Sabbath in that picture....
Is that Jason Newsted? How is Jason Newsted on the metal council? He left a metal band for an alternative rock one.

My sister used the horns when a rap song came on the radio. A gimper to the leg followed.
I never use metal goat horns or what ever they are called. I really don't like it because EVERYONE does it. Go to a night club and all the supreme OC chick do it when Fall Out Boy comes on. FUCK THAT.